The Real Estate’s Student Exchange Programme (SEP) provides students with invaluable opportunities to experience student life in a totally different educational, social and cultural environment for a semester. In line with the government’s call for Singaporeans to go global, the exchange will allow students to widen their outlook and establish network early in their professional life.

To enable students to proceed on SEP, Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) are signed with reputable overseas universities allowing for reciprocal exchange of students. MOUs can be signed at the University-level, School-level or Department-level. SEP places arising from University-level MOUs will be designated UW places and administered by Registrar’s Office while those from the Department-level MOUs will be designated DL places and will be administered by the Department.

Download SEP Briefing Slides

To Apply: Kindly log on to EduRec.


Other Links

Available Places for AY2020-2021   NUS Global Relations Office

For more information, please contact Ms Vidya.


Incoming Students

How to Apply

Various scholarships, awards, grants and loans are available to NUS students going on exchange, especially NUS Awards for Study Abroad (NASA).

“One of the main highlights of SEP would be the travelling in which I am glad I had the chance to experience. It was a really memorable aspect of my SEP stint as I got to marvel at amazing natural sights, and visit places teeming with history and culture. This was especially memorable as I was able to witness in real life the things that I have learnt in my real estate modules (especially the ones on urban planning). As a real estate student, I was also able to better appreciate the built environment in each city. I would highly recommend students to embark on an overseas exchange programme, for it has undoubtedly been the highlight of my university experience thus far.”

Tan Si Jia
Undergraduate, BSc (Real Estate)
Attended exchange programme at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden

“Experiencing different academic teaching style was something that surprisingly was a challenge for me because it was different from what I was used to in Singapore. Therefore I was happy I managed to adapt to it within the first few weeks of school. I am proud to say that I did achieve all the goals I set for myself and forged lifelong friendships with a group of unforgettable international friends in UBC, alongside my adventures with them throughout the semester.”

Caleb Hong Hsiang Wei
Undergraduate, BSc (Real Estate)
Attended exchange programme at University of British Columbia, Canada


The Real Estate Internship Program (REIP) as well as Work Experience Internship (WEI) allows BSc (RE) students to have an enriching experience outside their classrooms. In being able to learn more about the working world as well as apply what they have learnt over the years, our students come back with many fulfilling and exciting stories to share.

Check out our Internship Programmes to learn more.

“This was my second internship with CapitaLand and my role was in marketing communications. My first internship role was in retail leasing and after thoroughly enjoying the working culture and environment, I wanted to try something new so I chose to go back again. I had friendly and helpful colleagues who were always on the lookout for me. With the guidance and push from them, I successfully closed a leasing deal in one of the projects. Some of my marketing ideas were also adopted in future plans for 2021! However, interning during the pandemic meant that we mostly worked remotely. Nevertheless, it is important to keep a positive attitude and make the most out of this experience. To my juniors and future internship students, always be eager to learn and stay positive! It is the key to making your internship fruitful.”

Nah Yuhui, BSc (Real Estate)
Internship modules: REIP and WEI
Company: CapitaLand

“I interned as a Management/Operation intern in Keppel Housing under DRE’s Work Experience Internship. Within this 10 week experience, I was deployed to Kian Teck Dormitory and was able to be involved first-hand in the ground management such as swab testing and mass decanting amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. It was extremely exciting to have the opportunity to coordinate with the Forward Assurance Support Team (FAST) under the COVID-19 task force. Many people asked me why I would take the risk and work at the frontlines, but I firmly believed in stepping forward to provide assistance to the society in times of need. This experience was an extremely fulfilling one because I could contribute to improving the well-being of the migrant workers by assisting them with personal issues such as repatriation and connecting back with their loved ones at home. To me, I felt rewarded through this internship by being able to give back and help others.”

Heng Guo Kai, BSc (Real Estate)
Internship module: WEI
Company: Keppel Housing

“I interned in the Transaction Management department in CBRE and was involved in performance analysis for a client’s real estate portfolio. In the COVID-19 pandemic situation, this internship was my very first experience working remotely. I consider this experience to be a special one because of how it is held outside a classroom. The situation pushed me to be independent and responsible for my own success and growth in the company. I believe that one needs to be proactive and eager to work hard in order to advance forward. I felt that there was a greater need for self-discipline because of the remote working environment and there is no one physically around you. As a result, I faced challenges of having to learn by myself and through virtual connections where it is hard to establish tangible contact. However, I learnt how to embrace new forms of working and I feel that it is especially important to not perceive the situation too negatively. To juniors and prospective interns, remember to stay positive and open-minded to whatever comes your way!”

Lim Ying Min, BSc (Real Estate)
Internship module: REIP
Company: CBRE