The Implications of Digital Currency for Monetary Policy and the International Financial System

November 2018 • Singapore

Comments on Engel

IMF Reform: The Unfinished Agenda

May 2018 • Geneva

Comments on De Gregorio, Eichengreen, Ito and Wyplosz

Foreign Effects of Higher U.S. Interest Rates

November 2017 • FRBSF

Comments on Iacoviello and Navarro

Systematic Managed Floating

May 2017 • Singapore AMPF

Comments on Frankel

The Euro's Trade Effect: A Meta-Analysis

January 2017

Comments on Polak

Pegxit: Evidence from the Classical Gold Standard

October 2016 • Santa Clara

Comments on Mitchener and Pina

The Real Exchange Rate in the Long Run: Balassa-Samuelson Effects Reconsidered

January 2016 • AEA Meetings

Comments on Bordo, Choudhri, Fazio and MacDonald

Beaking Through the Zero Lower Bound

January 2016 • AEA Meetings

Comments on Agarwal and Kimball

The Gravity of Experience

May 2015 • ABFER

Comments on Dutt, Santacreu and Traca

The Offshore Renminbi Exchange Rate ...

May 2014 • ABFER

Comments on Cheung and Rime

Friedman Redux ..

March 2014 • NBER

Comments on Ghosh, Qureshi, and Tsangarides

Trade Credit, Bank Credit and Financial Crises

June 2013 • Wellington

Comments on Tang and Wu

Bubble Thy Neighbor

November 2012 • San Francisco

Comments on Forbes, Fratzscher, Kostka, and Straub

Retirement Patterns in China

June 2012 • Taipei

Comments on Lei, Wang, and Zhao

Prudential Policy for Peggers

January 2012 • Chicago

Comments on Schmitt-Grohe and Uribe

What Determines European European Real Exchange Rates?

June 2011 • Beijing

Comments on Berka and Deverux

Financial Integration and Capital Account Re-Regulation

May 2011 • Seoul

Comments on Kim, Kim, Song, and Yie

Trade and the Global Recession

June 2010 • Sydney

Comments on Eaton, Kortum, Neiman, and Romalis

Trade, the Great Depression and Today

July 2009 • Rome

Comments on O’Rourke

Trading Silver for Gold

January 2009 • Hong Kong

Comments on Mitchener and Voth

International Financial Integration and Japanese Economic Performance

December 2008 • San Francisco

Comments on Lane

Putting the Parts Together

July 2008 • Cambridge

Comments on di Giovanni and Levchenko

Does it Pay to Defend – the Dynamics of Financial Crises

May 2008 • Crete

Comments on Bauer and Herz

Understanding the Forward Premium Puzzle

March 2008 • Cambridge

Comments on Burnside, Eichenbaum, and Rebelo

Capital Account Liberalization: Theory, Evidence and Speculation

October 2007 • Santa Cruz

Comments on Henry

Does Bilateralism Promote Trade?

June 2006 • Paris

Comments on Flandreau and Accominotti

International Currency and the US Current Account Deficits

June 2006 • Hawaii

Comments on Fukuda and Kon for EASE

On the Determinants of Export Prices: History vs. Expectations

December 2005 • Tokyo

Comments on Fukuda and Ono

Global Capital Flows and National Policy Choices

October 2005 • Santa Cruz

Comments on Tytell and Wei

The US Current Account and the Dollar

September 2005 • Berkeley

Comments on Blanchard, Giavazzi, and Sa

Why the Renminbi Might be Overvalued (but Probably Isn’t)

September 2005 • FRBSF

Comments on Cheung and Chinn

Financial Globalization and Exchange Rates

December 2004 • FRBNY

Comments on Lane and Milesi-Ferretti

"Persistence in Law-of-One-Price Deviations" Evidence from Micro-data

July 2004 • NBER Summer Institute

Comments on Crucini and Shintani

The WTO Promotes Trade, Strongly but Unevenly

January 2004

Response to Subramanian and Wei

What do we Learn about Contagion Channels From Decomposing Country Debt Portfolios?

January 2004 • American Economic Association Meetings

Comments on Chinn and Forbes

Globalization, Growth and Volatility

January 2004 • American Economic Association Meetings

Comments on Kose, Prasad, and Terrones

Living with Flexible Exchange Rates

September 2003 • Australasian Macro Workshop

Comments on Ho and McCauley

Trading Blocs in East Asia

September 2003 • EASE 14

Comments on Huang

What do we Learn about Contagion Channels From Decomposing Country Equity Portfolios?

January 2003 • IMF Conference

Comments on Chinn and Forbes

ADB Conference

July 2002

Comments on Girardin

ADB Conference

July 2002

Comments on Ito and Park

Ideas and Education: Level or Growth Effects and Their Implications for Australia

June 2002 • EASE 13

Comments on Dowrick

De Facto and Official Exchange Rate Regime in Transition Economies

May 2002 • Sveriges Riksbank Conference

Comments on von Hagen and Zhou

The Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes: An Empirical Analysis for Transition Economies

May 2002 • Sveriges Riksbank Conference

Comments on von Hagen and Zhou

Optimal Currency Areas

April 2002

Comments on Alesina, Barro, and Tenreyro

The Challenges Facing Currency Usage: Will the Traditional Medium be Able to Resist Competition from the New Technologies?

April 2002 • Economic Policy 2002

Comments on Drehmann, Goodhart and Krueger

A table for a discussion of Melitz and Nitsch at Fordham Currency Union conference

February 2002

The Challenges Facing Currency Usage: Will the Traditional Medium be Able to Resist Competition from the New Technologies?

October 2001 • Economic Policy 2001

Comments on Drehmann, Goodhart and Krueger

Is the Crisis Problem Growing More Severe

September 2000

Comments on Bordo, Eichengreen, Klingebiel and Martinez-Peria

Banking and Currency Crises: How Common are Twins

November 1999

Comments on Glick and Hutchison

Challenges for the ECB

December 1997 • Economic Policy 1998

Comment on Dornbusch, Favero and Giavazzi