Economic-Sociology Based Programme of Study

Semester 1 Semester 2
Year 1 BZD6000 Applied Economics

(Individual decision-making, competitive markets, risk aversion, theory of the firm).
Kreps: A course in Micro Theory

BMA – 5001 Managerial Economics
With Departmental approval

BZD6001 Model Building Workshop I: Static Models

(Application: Simple strategic games, asymmetric information, moral hazard and incentives)

BZD6006 Organisational Theory

BZD6003 Applied Econometrics I
Woolridge –

  1. Introductory Economics
  2. Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data
BZD6004 Applied Econometrics II

  1. Experiments
    Field and Laboratory
  2. 2. Angrist and Pichke – Causal Inference and Identification
    The experimental ideal
    Instrumental Variables
    Fixed Effects
    Regression Discontinuity Design
    Quintile Regressions
  3. Simulations
Concentration Seminar A Concentration Seminar B
Year 2 Economics Elective
Institutional Environment
(Neoclassical growth, business cycles, monetary policy, economic theory of development, and legal theory of development)
Elective Course (core,methods,seminars)
Econometrics Elective

Or Alternative Methods class (e.g. fields and experiments, applied time series (stats))

Elective Course (core,methods,seminars)
Concentration Seminar C Concentration Seminar D

Online Training: Coursera – Mathematical Statistics Boot Camp I and II

Psychology-Sociology Based Programme of Study

Semester 1 Semester 2
Year 1 BZD6008 Cognition and Affect

– Foundations of individual, interpersonal, and group behaviour. Focus on fundamental theories with applicability to the fields of consumer behaviour and organisational behaviour. Topics might be grouped together around areas such as the following:

Goals / Motivational systems
Decision Processes
Persuasion & Attitude Change
Power, status, group processes
Norms and culture
Self, identity, and social identification
Gift Giving / Sharing / Prosocial Behaviour
Morality / Moral Disengagement / Deviance
Priming / Non-conscious processes
Non-verbal communication, Embodiment
Stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination
Theory of mind

BZD6009 Motivation and Interpersonal Processes

– Social psychological foundations of decision-making, judgment, and related topics. Focus on fundamental concepts with applicability to the fields of consumer behaviour and organisational behaviour. Topics might be grouped together around areas such as the following:

Heuristics & Biases
Fluency effects
Dual process theories
Affect and decision making
Decision making under risk
Decision making under uncertainty
Inter-temporal decision making
Preference reversals
Statistical judgment
Egocentric biases
Dealing with conflicting objectives
Task and Context Effects
Decision evaluations
Improving decisions
Group decision-making

BZD6010 Seminar in Research Methods BZD6011 Advanced Quantitative Methods
Or BZD6012 Experimental Design
Concentration Seminar A Concentration Seminar B
Year 2 Elective Course (core,methods,seminars) BZD6012 Experimental Design
Or BZD6011 Advanced Quantitative Methods
Core Course
BZD6000 Applied Economics, Organisational Theory (note OT offered in second semester), or Institutional Environment
Elective Course (core,methods,seminars)
Concentration Seminar C Concentration Seminar D

Online Training: Coursera – Introduction to Philosophy