Research Scholarships

NUS Business PhD students may apply for the following scholarships which will provide financial aid for the first 4 years of candidature:-

  • NUS Research Scholarship
  • President Graduate Fellowship
  • Commonwealth Scholarship

Visit NUS Research Scholarship for details on the scholarship.

Learn more about the NUSRI-CQ-affiliated PhD Programme for students who are keen to embark on the programme. To apply, for NUS-Chongqing scholarship, students may approach the listed Supervisors with their CVs, transcripts and testimonials.

5th Year Financial Assistance

5th year support is generally provided but the extent of which is based on student’s satisfactory progress in the programme.

Other Opportunities

There are several schemes in the university for students to augment their monthly income. These schemes are not guaranteed. The availability of these opportunities depends on the individual student’s initiative, capabilities, enthusiasm to learn and willingness to work hard. These schemes are explained below.

  1. Teaching Opportunities: Students who have defended their thesis proposal may be appointed as part-time tutors by their respective departments. The scheme is meant to develop the pedagogical skills of our students. Many such opportunities are generally available at the Business School but the actual offer is subject to internal tutoring requirements. For more information, visit Employment Opportunities at the Centre for Future-ready Graduates.
  2. Post-Qualifying Examination Top-Up: Scholars in a PhD programme may be eligible for an additional stipend of up to $500 per month upon passing the PhD Qualifying Examination (QE), which is normally held 12 to 18 months after registration of candidature.
  • PhD
  • Financial Support