Professor Shirish C. Srivastava
Year of Graduation: 2008

Our PhD alumni, Shirish C. Srivastava has achieved full professorship and chair position (GS1 France Chair on Digital Content for Omni Channel) at HEC, Paris in 2018.

Earlier on, Shirish C. Srivastava has also received the Gerardine DeSanctis Dissertation Award for the best doctoral dissertation paper in Organisational Communication and Information Systems (OCIS).

Professor Ang Siah Hwee
Year of Graduation: 2001

Our first PhD Graduate to become a full Professor at University of Auckland Business School

Our PhD alumni, Ang Siah Hwee has been appointed by the NZ Tertiary Education Commission to be a specialist advisor for the 2012 National Research Performance Assessment exercise to be conducted on all academics in the country. The appointment is part of the peer assessment panel.

Ang Siah Hwee has been appointed to be the Bank of New Zealand Chair in Business in Asia on 9 September 2013. He is also a professor at Victoria University of Wellington, School of Marketing & International Business.