Vivien Xintong Xiang

Department of Accounting

The thing I love most about NUS is the opportunity to work closely with incredibly bright faculty. They are passionate about doing research with plentiful ideas in different interesting areas, and I am inspired by them every day. My working with my supervisor is rewarding this year. We discuss interesting research questions together and identify the punchline of every research topic. He is not only my academic instructor, but also my role model in life. He teaches me how to be a great but modest scholar on both academic and moral dimensions. In addition, I am also able to access every possible resource for PhD student’s development including administrative assistance and academic visiting/exchange opportunity. Singapore is a fast developed country connecting Asia and North America and it offers fruitful experience for you to explore. Let’s commit to the research and play the long game.

Si Fan

Department of Analytics and Operations

My name is Si Fan. I’m a second-year PhD student at DAO. My main research interest is supply chain management. I decided to join this programme mainly due to two reasons. Firstly, with the help of DAO’s world-class faculty members, students can explore a wide range of research topics and delve into a specialized area. The programme is very well designed so that students can be properly trained to become qualified researchers and teachers. Secondly, Life at NUS can be very colourful. Students can always find activities that interest them, such as taking a sports lesson or going to a concert. I believe achieving a work-life balance is also very important for a PhD student.

Now after two years of study, I’ve made many friends here and I’m making progress with my research work every day. Whenever I recall the day that I was offered the admission, I still feel very lucky.

Goh E-Yang

Department of Management and Organisation

The academic journey can be intense, exhausting, and challenging. Needless to say, embarking on such a journey with a supportive community which provides constructive feedback and encouragement is something I find crucial when choosing a PhD programme. Within the NUS PhD programme, one can undertake this journey both under the mentorship of approachable, eminent professors and alongside empathetic, astute peers. This offers access to a wide network where multiple opportunities for both internal and external collaboration on meaningful research topics naturally emerge. Together, these aspects of the NUS PhD programme coalesce to provide students with an intellectually stimulating environment wherein they can become critical and resilient thinkers.

Yuen Wei Lun

Department of Marketing

After completing a Master’s degree with the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and a Research Assistantship with NUS Business School, I was greatly inspired by the quality of education and research conducted at NUS. I observed first-hand the rigorous curriculum and high-quality research offered by professors at NUS. The world-class faculty at the Department of Marketing and their extensive research collaborations have provided me with new opportunities and invaluable experience of working with excellent researchers worldwide. Having joined the PhD programme with the goal of a career in academia, I am confident that NUS is the right place to hone my research skills and foster an intellectual curiosity.

Zhan Changwei

Department of Real Estate

After deciding to pursue a Ph.D. in urban and real estate, I learned that NUS Real Estate has a strong faculty and a multi-discipline research background. I also saw successful cases in academics and industry after graduating from NUS. As a Ph.D. student, the Business School and the Real Estate Department offer me a good research environment and support, which equip me with confidence in my career.

Lin Fangwen

Department of Strategy and Policy

The journey in NUS business school leads to a richer PhD experience and well-rounded development as a future educator and researcher. Faculty members will always treat you as a professional peer and support you on achieving your professional goals. The students were my friends and closest support system which acted more as my family than anything else. Immersing myself in such a community, I found my passion and was able to carve out a niche for myself within the field.