Jiang Yi

Assistant Professor
School of Economics and Management
Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen

The PhD life at the NUS Business School is an amazing and wonderful journey. What impressed me the most is the collaborative culture that deepens relationships among graduate students and faculty. I made a lot of friends from different departments. We shared ideas, discussed wide topics, and encouraged each other to go through many hard times together. Professors are very responsive and willing to help. Collaboration with them also happens frequently and naturally. Their training enables me to develop my own research interests and become an independent researcher.

Siddharth Natarajan

Assistant Professor
Department of Management

I joined the PhD programme at NUS Business School to tap on vast opportunities in academia and to influence society at large. The NUS PhD programme is an excellent place to embark on this journey; it provides an intellectually stimulating environment, rigorous training in management research, and access to world-class scholars.

Ma Jiameng

Assistant Professor
Accounting Department
Shanghai University

I applied to NUS because of its reputation for quality research and curriculum. On a typical day as an accounting PhD student, I read research, work on data and discuss my studies with schoolmates and professors. What I enjoy the most as a PhD student here is the highly collaborative environment with my professors and peers – they provide great insights to my work.

Choi Dongwon

Assistant Professor
People & Organisations Department
NEOMA Business School

The most impressive aspect of NUS Business School is its culture of collaboration among faculty members. Through frequent interaction with them, I learned invaluable lessons regarding research methods and philosophies. By interacting with the invited scholars, I obtained fruitful feedback on my research projects. Overall, NUS has provided a conducive environment for me to develop as a researcher.

Toshimitsu Ueta

Assistant Professor
Department of International Economics and Management
Copenhagen Business School

When I decided to pursue a PhD, I found NUS Business School interesting because of its location and the quality of its research. In addition, NUS has remarkable faculty members studying various business environments including China, India, and Japan. The most important benefit I feel in NUS is that we are at the frontiers of research. The faculty’s extensive networks ensure that we are connected with renowned scholars worldwide. With quality training, mentors and international connections, it is a great place for us to learn and improve ourselves tremendously.

Wei Jie

UniSIM College
SIM University

I fostered an interest in academic research and teaching while pursuing my MBA, so a PhD was a natural next step for me. I think the NUS PhD programme provides an ideal platform for those who have a true passion for cutting-edge business research. Known for its research excellence, I have access to insights and advice from top-tier scholars all over the world. Being located in Singapore, a strategic business hub of Asia, NUS offers students an opportunity to get a real taste of how businesses operate in a fast-growing multicultural environment.

Jiang Zhiying

Assistant Professor
Department of Business and Economics
Erasmus School of Economics
Erasmus University Rotterdam

The PhD programme in NUS Business School is an enriching and fulfilling journey. Nourished by world-class scholars, my intellectual curiosity is safeguarded with rigour and profundity. The stimulating and collegial research environment with my excellent fellow students keeps me well motivated all time. The solid academic training enables me to embark upon my academic career with confidence.

Zheng Weiting

Assistant Professor
Department of Management & Marketing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

I was a PhD student at NUS Business School between 2002 and 2008. It is true that pursuing a PhD means plenty of solitary time working and struggling in my office or at the kitchen table, but the best resources that NUS offers me are in fact people and an intellectual network. Being a student with the Department of Strategy & Policy, I benefited from interactions with a culturally diverse and academically distinguished set of faculty. Being a student here, I was also fortunate enough to interact with some of the world’s greatest minds from both academic and corporate worlds. This is exactly how I developed my PhD dissertation. The journey has been challenging but it has also been a truly rewarding experience.

Shirish Chandra Srivastava

Operations Management & Information Technology
Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC), Paris, France

The PhD programme at NUS Business School is truly world class. The programme is more of a self-discovery process by continuously challenging oneself with a variety of problems; the student realises his or her strengths and weaknesses. The NUS PhD programme provides an opportunity for students to conduct quality research.

Navid Asgari

Assistant Professor
Strategy & Statistics
Gabelli School of Business
Fordham University

The doctoral programme at NUS Business school was challenging, yet rewarding. Rigorous coursework, world-class faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities will bring out the best in you.

Combine these with the experience of living in Singapore and you will realise that being trained at NUS Business School is one of the best decisions you will make.

Ang Siah Hwee

The Bank of New Zealand Chair in Business in Asia
School of Marketing & International Business
Victoria University of Wellington

I’m one of the early batch of PhD graduates from NUS Business School. In a PhD programme, what’s important is the research environment, and the academic and support staff involved. In the NUS Business School programme, these boxes are often ticked and well resourced. The research environment is one that encourages high levels of intellectual exchange. Academic staff and other PhD students come from well-known universities and arrive at the same institution to exchange ideas and work collaboratively. You will have no shortage of people providing ideas and feedback. The supervisors are of high quality and supervision standards are good. The great supporting staff are always there to ensure all processes and arrangements are smooth. The PhD programme can be said to be less lonesome than those in many other institutions. I have enjoyed my time here and made many friends in the process. We are still in touch over the last decade or so, despite residing in different continents.

Rohit Nishant

Assistant Professor
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
ESC Rennes School of Business

As the top-ranked school in Asia, NUS Business School provided me with an opportunity to pursue academic studies amid this transformation. NUS students have access to professors renowned for their research excellence and academic qualifications from schools across the world. Here, supervisors work very closely with their students to develop their research skills. I am also able to meet students from different nationalities, exposing me to diverse cultures and ideas.

Lin Yupeng

Assistant Professor
Department of Accounting
NUS Business School

I joined the NUS PhD programme five years ago, the first two years of the programme focused on theory and course work, while the remaining three years really honed my practical research capabilities and methodologies. Throughout this time, I worked closely with my supervisors who provided me with invaluable advice and guidance on effective learning and research skills. Collaborating with an international group of students also created an environment for sharing different experiences and ideas. I truly believe that my NUS Business School PhD journey has provided me with the right knowledge and skills, laying a strong foundation that allowed me to take on a job at City University of Hong Kong.

Sankalp Chaturvedi

Associate Professor
Organisational Behaviour & Leadership
Business School
Imperial College London

Intellectually stimulating, international and supportive – these words encompass my experience of the NUS PhD programme as a whole. The structural design of the programme was intellectually invigorating and challenging, and made sure that we are internationally competitive. We were learning from renowned international scholars and students. And finally, NUS gave me access to one of the best supportive environments (scholarships, conference funding, etc.) to enable learning. The whole experience was truly exceptional and has given me a lifelong memory to cherish. I am proud to be an NUS alumnus.

Zou Xin

Assistant Professor
Department of Finance and Decision Sciences
Hong Kong Baptist University

Being a Finance PhD student in NUS Business School is a fantastic experience for me. The training and guidance from academically distinguished faculties, together with the opportunities to interact and learn from top-tier scholars, nurtures my fast growth into a qualified junior researcher. Mentors and friends I got here will be my life-long treasures.

Xu Weibiao

Assistant Professor
Department of Finance
Nankai University

The PhD programme in NUS Business School broadened my outlook and increased my ability of research. I was well trained to become a rigorous academician. I got great guidance from top-tier professors and I also received kind encouragement from my colleagues. It was full of challenges and joyfulness. It was worth devoting my youth and enthusiasm here.

Shao Yuping

I felt very proud that I could be accepted as a PhD student in Department of Finance 5 years ago. From then on, a new window of exploring new edge of knowledge and seeking truth has been opened for me. I enjoyed my PhD journey in the programme, although sometimes it was quite challenging. The world-class training I received and the deep insights I leaned from professors changed my perspectives and approaches to analyse social phenomena. I will definitely benefit from this for the rest of my life.

Isabel Ding

Department of Marketing

The NUS Department of Marketing PhD programme is a challenging, but incredibly exciting and rewarding experience. During my time as a PhD student, I had the opportunities to receive training and dedicated guidance from our outstanding faculty in a rigorous research environment, as well as connect with international scholars through frequent seminars and conferences. Furthermore, there were amazing research opportunities – with my advisor, Professor Leonard Lee, I had the opportunity to work with a team of physicians on a healthcare project. This extremely rewarding experience is the highlight of my PhD journey, and deepened my passion for research. I am grateful to NUS Business School for the ample opportunities and support it has provided, and for preparing me well to embark on my academic career.

Miao Wei

Department of Marketing

I am truly grateful to NUS Business School for all the support I have received during my PhD candidature. The programme provides rigorous methodology training, dedicated supervision from world-renowned scholars, generous financial support including abundant stipends, as well as a vigorous research environment exemplified by regular seminars and annual conference trips. An academic career is undoubtedly tough, but I am confident that the skills and truth-seeking attitudes I have acquired at NUS Business School can safeguard me against future challenges.