
When you give to scholarships at NUS Business School, you will help the School to attract the best and brightest students. Your gifts will unlock opportunities for young men and women to achieve their potential and excel. You will inspire and influence tomorrow’s leaders in business and society.

Scholarships recognise the academic achievements of students. You can choose to support either a full term scholarship or an annual renewable scholarship.

Your scholarship can be tailored to support a particular nationality, such as Singaporean students, or an interest, such as major in Finance. You are welcome to discuss with us to specify the scholarship terms.

When making your gift, you can choose an endowed scholarship or expendable scholarship. In recognition, we may offer a naming opportunity for a minimum expendable gift of S$45,000, or a minimum endowed gift of S$150,000.You can choose to fulfil your gift as a multi-year pledge.

Please contact us about the naming opportunity.

View existing scholarships available for undergraduate students and graduate students.

Asia Fund Space Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift and an expendable gift in 2018, this fund provides scholarships to prospective undergraduate students at the Department of Real Estate.

This Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Mr Lee Kar Hui, Mark, a real estate alumnus.

Business Dean’s- Emily Chin and Eugene Wong Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift, the Scholarship is to attract the best and brightest incoming undergraduates.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Ms Emily Chin and Mr Eugene Wong.

Business Dean’s- Kwai Fong and Raymond Goh Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2003, the Scholarship is to support academically outstanding, incoming Singaporean undergraduates at the NUS Business School.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Mdm Lee Kwai Fong and Mr Raymond Goh.

Cheng Theng Kee Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2023, this fund provides non-bonded scholarships to outstanding Singaporean students studying at the NUS Business School.

A full-term scholarship is awarded to one student every 3 or 4 years, depending on how long it takes the awardee to complete his/her studies.

This Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Tan Sri Albert Cheng Yong Kim.

David Gay Teow Chuang Scholarship
Established with the generous endowed gift in 2019, this fund provides non-bonded scholarships to People’s Republic of China (PRC) students enrolled in full-time Business Administration, Business Administration (Honours), Business Administration (Accountancy), Business Administration (Accountancy) (Honours), Concurrent Degree, and Double Degree programmes at the NUS Business School. Preference is given to applicants with financial need.

This Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Mr David Gay Teow Chuang.

Dhanabalan Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2018 in honour of Mr S. Dhanabalan, the Scholarship is awarded to undergraduates and postgraduates with outstanding academic results, a great contribution to community service, and demonstrated financial need.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of a group of major donors, NUS Business School faculty and staff, friends, colleagues, corporate associates and alumni.

Fung Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2011, the Scholarship is awarded to:

  • Undergraduates of NUS Business School, with preference given to Singapore Citizens, to participate in exchange programmes at overseas universities for up to one year to enrich their understanding of their chosen field and for greater exposure to different cultures and environments; and
  • Business School for up to one year Mainland Chinese undergraduates on exchange programmes to NUS  

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Victor and William Fung Foundation Limited.

Ian Ferguson Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2003, the Scholarship is awarded to Singaporean undergraduates with the demonstrated academic aptitude and financial need.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of the Ian Ferguson Foundation.

Isetan Foundation Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2017, the Scholarship is awarded to undergraduates with outstanding academic achievement.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of the Isetan Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Isetan (Singapore) Limited.

Lam See Chiew Memorial Scholarship in Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy
Established with an endowed gift in 2017, the Scholarship is awarded to undergraduates and MBA candidates with demonstrated active interest in social entrepreneurship, philanthropy, or non-profit leadership.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Professor Lam Swee Sum.

Kwai Fong and Raymond Goh Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift and an expendable gift in 2015, the Scholarship is awarded to Singaporean undergraduates with demonstrated academic aptitude and financial need.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Mdm Lee Kwai Fong and Mr Raymond Goh.

KKH Scholarship
Established with an expendable gift in 2022, the Scholarship is awarded to Malaysian undergraduates with good high school results, demonstrated financial need, and strong leadership capabilities.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Mr Kuok Khoon Hong, the Chairman and CEO of Wilmar International Limited.

Melvin Poh and Francine Lee Real Estate Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2014, this fund provides scholarships for undergraduate students at the Department of Real Estate.
This Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Mr Melvin Poh and Ms Francine Lee, alumni of the Department of Real Estate.
Mizuho Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2009, the Scholarship is awarded to undergraduates with excellent academic results.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Mizuho Bank Ltd and its staff.

Ng Guan Memorial Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2021, the Scholarship is awarded to Fillipino and Singaporean undergraduates with excellent academic results.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Mr Peter YB Tay.

NK Seek Fund Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2015, this fund provides scholarships to award outstanding and financially needy
Singaporean undergraduate students at the Department of Real Estate.This Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Dr Seek Ngee Huat, an illustrious alumnus of the former Building & Estate Management Department of NUS who is well-known internationally in the field of real estate.
NUS Business School Mandarin Alumni Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2017, the Scholarship is awarded to financially needy undergraduates.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of NUS Business School Mandarin Alumni.

Honour Roll for Gift of 20,000 or above (捐赠20,000新元及以上金额荣誉榜)
Chen Lirong (陈丽荣)
Gan Giap Leong (颜业隆)
Happy 16 (Apex-C 16) (快乐16 ,中文EMBA16班)
Hi-Beau International Pte Ltd (海必优国际)
Harmony 20 (和谐20, 中文EMBA20班)
He Xiuqin (何秀琴)
Hu Aimin (胡爱民)
Lucky Universal Prosperity Pte Ltd (幸运环球繁荣私人有限公司)
Ng Chee Chuan Robin (黄志泉)
Ng Chuan Lim (黄泉霖)
Tan Jian Feng Jeffrey (谈剑锋)
Teo Kim Leng (张金陵)
Wei Yaokun Kusnadi (魏耀坤)
Winning International Group Pte Ltd (韦立国际集团)
Zhang Yiru (张益如)
Zhang Yongtai (张永泰)
Zhang Zeyu (张泽宇)
Zhao Yifei (赵一飞)
Pauline Er Scholarship
Established with an expendable gift in 2022, this fund provides scholarships to freshmen undergraduate students of any nationality, with good high school results or equivalent, and demonstrated financial need. The majority of the scholarship is awarded to Singaporeans.

This Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Mr Chan Khai Seng. Pauline Er is the wife of the donor, Mr Chan Khai Seng. Mr Chan named the donation after his wife in appreciation for her care for the family.

Perennial Real Estate Holdings Scholarship
Perennial Real Estate Holdings Limited has made an initial expendable gift to establish a scholarship for undergraduate students at the Department of Real Estate in 2015. In 2016, Perennial decided to top up the gift and revise the scholarship terms to be tenable for 4 years.
Every academic year, one (1) Scholarship worth is awarded to the candidate with outstanding Singapore-Cambridge GCE A level or equivalent qualifications, strong leadership skills and good co-curricular activities records.
Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2016, the Scholarship is awarded to undergraduates with excellent academic results, keen interest in and knowledge of local China Businesses, and strong leadership capabilities.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation.

Sun Xiu Shun Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2021, the Scholarship is awarded to undergraduates with excellent academic results.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Mr Sun Xiu Shun, the founder and President of Winning International Group.

Tahir Financial Scholarship
Established with an expendable gift in 2006, the Scholarship is awarded to financially needy undergraduates at NUS Business School.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Dato’ Sri Prof. Dr. (H.C). Tahir, MBA, the founder and chairman of Indonesia’s Mayapada Group, a conglomerate with interests in banking, healthcare, and real estate.

Tahir Indonesian Scholarship
Established with an expendable gift in 2009, the Scholarship is awarded to financially needy Indonesian undergraduates at NUS Business School.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Dato’ Sri Prof. Dr. (H.C). Tahir, MBA, the founder and chairman of Indonesia’s Mayapada Group, a conglomerate with interests in banking, healthcare, and real estate.

Wilson Ang and Joyce Chong Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2018, this fund provides non-bonded scholarships to Singaporean students enrolled in the full-time Business Administration, Business Administration (Honours), Business Administration (Accountancy), and Business Administration (Accountancy) (Honours) programmes at the NUS Business School.
This Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Mr Wilson Ang and his wife Ms Joyce Chong.
Win Advisors Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2021, the Scholarship is awarded to undergraduates with good high school results, demonstrated financial need, and strong leadership capabilities.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Ms Winnie Cheah, Win Advisors Pte Ltd, founder of Win Advisors Pte Ltd.

Leong Siew Meng Memorial Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2013, the Scholarship is awarded to undergraduates with keen interest and good academic results in Marketing.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of NUS Business School faculty and staff, friends, colleagues, corporate associates, and former students of the late Professor Leong Siew Meng.

Mr & Mrs Wu Jieh Yee Memorial Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2009, the Scholarship is awarded to business undergraduates who demonstrate leadership and community involvement and wish to specialize in Finance.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Mr Ngiam Tong Yuen and Mrs Ngiam-Wu Po Kin Jean to honour her parents, Mr and Mrs Wu Jieh Yee. Since its establishment, she and her family have regularly added to the endowment so as to support two students per year.

Wilmar Scholarship
Established with an expendable gift in 2022, the Scholarship is awarded to Malaysian undergraduates with good high school results, demonstrated financial need, and strong leadership capabilities.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Wilmar International Limited, the Asia’s leading agribusiness group.

WL Byrnes Global Scholarship
Established with an endowed gift in 2020 in memory of Bill Byrnes, who played a significant role in establishing and growing Fidelity’s international business, the Scholarship is awarded to the NUS MSc in finance students with excellent academic merits and demonstrated financial needs.

The Scholarship is made possible by the generosity of The Fidelity UK Foundation.

Yanfang and Joseph Cherian Scholarship
Established with an expendable gift in 2011, the Scholarship is awarded to financially needy undergraduates at NUS Business School.

The Bursary is made possible by the generosity of Ms Emma Yan Yanfang Professor Joseph Cherian. As an undergraduate, Professor Joseph Cherian was able to attend some of the top universities in the U.S. with the help of scholarships and loans. To give back in their turn, Professor Cherian and his wife, Yanfang (Emma), have set up a small family fund to help needy students pursue their educational goals.