This course provides students with the foundations to understand the key concepts and tools used in Finance. It offers a broad overview of the financial environment under which firms operate and equips students with the conceptual and analytical skills necessary to make sound financial decisions for the firm.


This course aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of Corporate Finance. Students will be exposed to key financial issues faced by modern-day finance managers of corporations. The course will also equip students with conceptual and analytical skills necessary to make sound financial decisions. Cases and practical examples will be used to illustrate the concepts taught in lectures.

The objective of this course is to develop key concepts in investment theory from the perspective of a portfolio manager, and to apply such concepts using real financial data. Topics to be covered include portfolio optimisation and asset pricing theories, as well as their applications to problems in modern financial practice. This course also explores the application of various financial instruments in investment management and introduces the basic techniques of portfolio performance evaluation.

The course content consists of a mix of descriptive material, theoretical models, model application, and group projects. We shall cover fundamental analysis and security valuation on stocks, bonds, options and futures, as well as modern portfolio management. On completion, students should be conversant in investment management in preparation for careers in financial analysis and financial planning, investment banking, and corporate finance.

The objective of this course is to give students a general understanding of the different financial markets and institutions in the context of both the U.S. and Singapore. The financial assets traded in these markets, the financial services and instruments these institutions offer, and the mechanisms and characteristics influencing the value of these assets and instruments will also be discussed.