The Singapore Governance and Transparency Index (SGTI) is the leading index for assessing the corporate governance practices of Singapore-listed companies. A collaboration between CPA Australia, NUS Business School’s Centre for Governance and Sustainability (formerly known as the Centre for Governance, Institutions and Organisations) and the Singapore Institute of Directors (SID), the SGTI succeeded the Governance and Transparency Index (GTI) in 2016 as an enhanced assessment to meet future market needs.
SGTI Ranking Results and Methodology 2024


Advisory Panel
The SGTI advisory panel comprises of prominent corporate personalities who advise CGS on the index methodology:
Ms Rachel ENG, Managing Director, Eng and Co. LLC
Mr LOH Hoon Sun, Senior Advisor, Phillip Securities Pte Ltd
Mr Max LOH Khum Whai, Former Managing Partner (Singapore & Brunei), EY
Mr LOW Weng Keong, Past Global President and Chairman of the Board, CPA Australia
Ms CHEN Huifen, Editor, The Business Times