As capital providers, banks are ideally placed to help the private sector adapt to new economic realities linked to environmental and social (E&S) sustainability – such as climate change, changing communities, and increased resource scarcity – and to contribute to national sustainable development agendas. Sustainable banking and finance play a critical role in driving corporate sustainability (CS) through directing funds only to companies that have viable CS strategies and activities.

CGS, in collaboration with the Singapore Exchange and WWF, produced reports on ‘Perspectives of Financial Institutions on Sustainability Disclosures’ and the state of sustainable banking in Singapore and ASEAN.

Research Publications

Perspectives of Financial Institutions on Sustainability Disclosures 2021


Sustainable Banking in ASEAN 2018


Sustainable Banking in ASEAN 2017


Collaboration Opportunities

At CGS, we aim to deliver thought leadership, centred in Asia, with a global influence that contributes to organisational excellence and sustainability. As a research centre, we welcome collaboration opportunities and support from companies, trusts, foundations and individuals. If you are interested in research collaborations or funding our research efforts, please contact Ms Verity Thoi, Manager: