Professor Jerry DAVIS
Professor Jerry DAVIS

University of Michigan

Jerry Davis is the Wilbur K. Pierpont Collegiate Professor of Management at the Ross School of Business and Professor of Sociology, The University of Michigan. He received his PhD from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. He has published widely in management, sociology and finance. Recent books include Social Movements and Organization Theory (with Doug McAdam, W. Richard Scott and Mayer N. Zald; Cambridge University Press, 2005) and Organizations and Organizing: Rational, Natural, and Open System Perspectives (with W. Richard Scott; Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007).

Davis’s research is broadly concerned with corporate governance and the effects of finance on society. Recent writings examine why companies choose the kinds of directors they do and what effect they have; changes in the ownership and control of US firms; how conflicts of interest affect the ways mutual funds vote their shares in annual elections; the effects of social movements on what companies do; and how ideas about corporate social responsibility have evolved to meet changes in the structures and geographic footprint of multinational corporations.

His new book Managed by the Markets: How Finance Reshaped America (Oxford University Press, 2009) examines the consequences of the financial revolution for corporations, banking, states and households in the 21st century.It can be found at and other booksellers.

Professor Randall Morck
Professor Randall MORCK

University of Alberta

Randall Morck holds the Stephen A. Jarislowsky Distinguished Chair in Finance at the Alberta School of Business at the University of Alberta, and is a Research Associate with the National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He graduated summa cum laude from Yale in 1979, and earned a PhD from Harvard in 1986, where he returns periodically as a visiting professor.

Professor Morck has published over 70 articles on corporate governance, corporate ownership, and corporate finance in academic journals such as the American Economic Review, Journal of Finance, and Journal of Financial Economics. His research papers include some of the first systematic investigations of corporate governance, and are cited in more than 1,500 other research papers. Professor Morck has served as a consultant to the Canadian and U.S. governments, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund on corporate governance and other economic issues. He is a frequent speaker at academic, business, and government seminars and conferences in Canada and abroad. In 2006, Professor Morck was granted the prestigious title of University Professor at the University of Alberta (this is the highest academic honour the University of Alberta can bestow on a faculty member).

Professor Steen Thomsen
Professor Steen THOMSEN

Copenhagen Business School

Steen Thomsen born 1959, professor, Ph.D., is director of the center for corporate governance at Copenhagen Business School (CBS). He specializes in corporate governance as a teacher, researcher, consultant, commentator and practitioner. His academic publications include some 25 international journal articles and 4 books on the subject.

Steen has served as a board member in several business companies and is currently a non-executive chairman of 2 consulting firms. He writes columns for Danish newspapers and has served as a consultant and lecturer to several large companies and government organizations, including the EU, the UN, Copenhagen Stock Exchange, the Danish Central Bank and the Danish Venture capital Association. He is also a contributor to the Danish corporate governance code and other best practice codes. Married to Annette Blegvad, he lives in Charlottenlund, North of Copenhagen, and is the father of two red-haired teenage boys.

Collaboration Opportunities

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