Relish the Good Ol’ Times at Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library
In "Alumni events"

The Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library (HSSSML) has been an integral part of BIZ life for 33 years. Named after a former Minister for Finance, HSSML has seen generations of students gather in it to study for exams and put their heads together to solve business challenges. The void deck under the library synonymous with rag float construction and a rehearsal space for the annual Rag and Flag performance. The library itself also houses a rich collection of management, business and finance books, journals, many of which are written by our very own Profs.

This November, HSSML will be undergoing a major renovation to create new teaching and studying spaces for our students. Come bid farewell to the HSSML as we know it before its temporary closure and transformation. This is your chance to grab some spray paint and make your mark by writing or drawing graffiti on the walls.

Our Profs will also share their latest research and insights on current issues such as the leadership qualities needed in the AI era and digital literacy in two separate sessions in English (10:00 am to 12:00 pm) and Mandarin (3:00 pm to 5:00 pm) respectively.

Note: Limited capacity of 50 pax per session. Registration will be on first come-first serve basis.  

Saturday, 7 November 2020
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library
Main Building Level 2 and 3
1 Hon Sui Sen Drive
Singapore 117588 (Map)
Dress Code:
Smart casual

Session #1 - Programme

0930 Registration
1000 Welcome Address by Dean Andrew Rose
1015 Forum: Leadership by Algorithm: Who leads and who follows in the AI era? by Prof David De Cremer

With Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the rise, the way we run our organisations will change. But what exactly will that future look like? A focus on the true nature of the power struggle between man and machine will be presented and the leadership qualities needed to deal with this struggle most effectively will be identified.  

1100 Graffiti Painting and Fundraising

Grab some paint and make your mark on the library walls!  

We welcome donations to support the Library’s renovation and explore the naming opportunities available.

1200 End


Professor David De Cremer

Professor David De Cremer is a world leading thought leader and behavioural scientist with a special interest in managing and leading individual and organisational transformations in the 21st century (or also called the new tech era). Currently he holds the Provost Chair at National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School, where he is also a professor at management and organisations and the director and founder of the Centre on AI Technology for Humankind (AiTH) at NUS Business School. Before moving to NUS, he was the KPMG endowed professor at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. He received several career awards for his scientific work, was named the most influential economist in the Netherlands (2009-2010), a Global Thought Leader by the Trust Across America (2016) – Trust Around the World organisation, whose annual list recognizes people for efforts “in elevating societal trust, and one of the World’s top 30 Management Gurus and Speakers in 2020.

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Session #2 - Programme

1430 登记
1500 罗安著教授院长致辞
1515 讲座:我有数位素养吗?– 段锦泉教授

  • 扫除文盲、数学盲在发达国家已成过去的重点,当红的挑战是面对数码盲
  • 数位素养为多面向的能力,需避免瞎子摸象以偏概全
  • 消费性的数码知识不等同就业型的数码技能
  • 以价值链的角度评估和增强个人的数位素养
  • 培养结构性的数码技能,迎接快速变化的明天
1600 壁画活动,捐款询问
1700 结束


Professor Duan Jin-Quan 段锦泉教授

段锦泉为新加坡国立大学商学院, 怡合集团金融讲席教授,并担任国大亚洲数码金融研究所所长。段教授是威斯康辛大学麦迪逊校区的金融学博士,也是中央研究院院士、金融计量学会会士、国际信用资产经理协会的顾问。于2007加入国大前,他任教于多伦多大学罗特曼管理学院,为Manulife金融讲席教授。段教授是全球顶级的信用风险专家,在2009年担任国大风险管理研究所所长期间,开始推动开创性的“公共产品”信用研究行动计划,至今以金融科技估算并免费提供,全球133经济体超过7万家上市企业每天修正的违约率。段教授于2017年共同创办金融科技公司“创信” (CriAT), 提供金融机构深度信用风险分析的尖端服务。

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As donors, alumni, and friends of NUS Business School, you are able to directly make gifts to NUS Business School General Purpose Fund. You can also make a gift in person at the event. Your contributions will help us in supporting the area of greatest need, i.e., funding the renovation for the HSSML Library.

To find out more about how you can support the renovation, please contact us to explore the benefits of various gift options. Also, we invite you to see our various naming opportunities available.

We are grateful for believing in our mission to provide transformative education, groom the next generation of leaders, and cultivate a strong research culture that brings positive changes.

About the Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library

The Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library (HSSML) is a Special Library within the NUS Libraries. The Library was built in memory of the late Mr Hon Sui Sen (1916-1983), former Minister for Finance of Singapore (1970-1983), who was also the Member of Parliament for the Havelock Constituency (1970-1983).

The Library started operations on 15 June 1987 and was declared officially opened by Mr Goh Chok Tong, the then First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence on 15 January 1988.

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BIZAlum team
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