Cohort 2023/2024 and Before

Primary Major Applied Business Analytics, Business Economics, Finance, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Human Capital Management, Marketing, Operations & Supply Chain Management Accountancy Real Estate
Common Curriculum

General Education Courses

Business Environment Courses

Field Service Project

Work Experience Milestone

Global Experience Milestone

52 Units

24 Units

20 Units

8 Units

0 Units

0 Units

52 Units

24 Units

20 Units

8 Units

0 Units

0 Units

52 Units

24 Units

20 Units

8 Units

0 Units

0 Units

Major Curriculum

Major Requirement Courses

Business Function Courses

60 Units

36 Units

24 Units

68 Units

44 Units

24 Units

64 Units

40 Units

24 Units

Unrestricted Elective Courses 48 Units 40 Units 44 Units
Total 160 Units 160 Units 160 Units

All BIZ students will undertake a shared common curriculum structure which allows them to have a holistic and rigorous basic education in business, to gain deep expertise in a chosen primary major and, if so desires, to broaden laterally across to a within-BIZ second major or minor.

1) General Education Courses

The University Level Requirement (ULR) is a graduation requirement which comprises General Education, aimed to connect disciplinary knowledge and perspectives with the skills needed for lifelong learning beyond the university.
All students are required to read and pass six General Education (GE) courses, one from each pillar:

  1. Cultures and Connections
  2. Singapore Studies
  3. Critique and Expression
  4. Data Literacy
  5. Digital Literacy
  6. Communities and Engagement

Please refer to this link for the list of courses approved under the six GE pillars.
Students are strongly encouraged to complete the GE courses within the first two years of their candidature.

2) Business Environment Courses

Business Environment courses (20 Units) are the same across all the primary majors offered at BIZ. These courses serve to introduce BIZ students to the various dimensions of the bigger environment in which businesses operate in. These courses are not contextualized to the primary major.
The 6 Business Environment courses are:

  1. BSP1702 Legal Environment of Business
  2. BSP1703 Managerial Economics
  3. DAO1704 Decision Analytics using Spreadsheets
  4. ES2002 Business Communications
  5. RE1707 Introduction to Real Estate (2 Units)
  6. MNO2707 Business Ethics (2 Units)

3) Cross-Disciplinary Course – Field Service Project

This is an 8 Units level 4000 course. It is a consulting practicum in which students form teams of 3 to 4 to solve a real-world business-related problem for a company or other organization over one to two semesters with a NUS supervisor guiding the team. It is a pro-bono project with no payment except for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs. The business-related problem may be one of organizational strategy, marketing strategy, accounting information system, human resource training programme, etc. Most importantly, the students often must take a cross-disciplinary approach to come up with the solution.
For more information on Field Service Project, please click here.

The Major Curriculum comprises Business Function courses (24 Units) and Restricted Courses (at least 36 Units), making a total of at least 60 Units.

Business Function Courses

Business Function courses (24 Units) are the same across all the primary majors offered at BIZ. Each course represents a basic functional area of a business and is not contextualised to the primary major. These 6 courses, together with the Business Environment courses (20 Units), provide a holistic and rigorous foundation for a business undergraduate degree.
The 6 Business Function courses are:

  1. ACC1701 Accounting for Decision Makers
  2. MKT1705 Principles of Marketing
  3. MNO1706 Organisational Behaviour
  4. DAO2702 Programming for Business Analytics
  5. DAO2703 Operations & Technology Management
  6. FIN2704 Finance

Restricted Courses

Restricted Courses (36 Units to 44 Units) are almost entirely courses that are highly contextualized to the (primary) major, and so the set of courses for each major will be almost entirely different, save for some courses that are cross-listed across two/more majors.
In essence, for each major, the structure of Restricted Courses space comprises:
1) At least 24 Units of level 2000/3000 courses, some or all of which may be compulsory
2) A compulsory 4 Units capstone course for the major (level 4000)

  • BSP4701 Strategic Management – for all Business Major (except Accountancy & Real Estate)
  • ACC4701 Integrated Perspectives in Accounting and Business – Accountancy major
  • RE4701 Real Estate Development – Real Estate Major

3) At least 8 Units of level 4000 courses, some or all of which may be compulsory
Please take note, Points (2) and (3), together with the compulsory Field Service Project, is the default minimum requirement for an honours degree.

Students are highly encouraged to pursue a second major or minor with Unrestricted Elective Courses. Under this component, students may take any course to fulfil their Unrestricted Elective Courses requirement. That is, they may take courses offered by the Business School and/or courses offered outside the School to fulfil this requirement.

Major & Minors

Students from Academic Year 2023/2024 whom have decided to make the curriculum switch as well as students matriculating in Academic Year 2024/2025 would have a curriculum that is one-third unrestricted electives, this would allow students to have a higher degree of freedom to broaden their university education and enhance their learning experience.
Students would be able to take up a 2nd Major or Minor within or outside of NUS Business School.
Within NUS Business School, students can take up a 2nd Major/Minor from the 9 Majors available in the BBA Programme.
Outside of NUS Business School, students can take up a 2nd Major/Minor from other faculties in NUS.

Field Service Project (FSP) course is a team based project course for Business School Honours students only.The purpose of FSP is to provide students a true learning experience by partnering with an established organization in Singapore. It is also an opportunity for the students to serve and contribute to businesses, social enterprises and not for profit organizations.
Students get to learn about an organization’s business model, value propositions, operations and imbibe the entrepreneurial passion and leadership from the CEO/leaders.
In return, students will provide an informative and diagnostic report (with the guidance of a supervisor) to the organizations to help propel the organizations forward in today’s challenging business environments.
Through these projects, we hope the students are able to gain a new perspective into the real world.


FSP provides a great opportunity for students to work alongside with an established organization. Students get to learn directly from the leaders/CEOs and their businesses while in engaging real-world business issues beyond what they have already learned in NUS and many more.
It is also an excellent networking platform for students to get acquainted with people from different organizations, business backgrounds, skills, expertise, etc. This will improve the student’s networking skills and also expand their networking group.

Field Service Project Guidelines

Click here to download the FSP Guidelines.

Upcoming Projects

Click here to login to FSP portal to apply for FSP projects

The Enterprise 50 (E50) FSP

The Enterprise 50 (E50) Awards are jointly organized annually by The Business Times and KPMG to recognize and reward the 50 most enterprising local SMEs across all industry sectors. It is sponsored by OCBC Bank and supported by IDA, IE Singapore and Spring Singapore.
At the beginning of 2009, NUS Business School partnered with the E50 organisers to embark on a new educational project, which involves teams of BBA honours students working closely with each of the 2008 E50 winning companies to understand and study their business models, value propositions, business operations as well as their entrepreneurial passion, and leadership ideology. The students would then write a report in the form of an article profiling each company.
Beyond these profile reports, the student teams also write confidential in-depth consulting reports for the E50 winning companies. These reports, complete with the students’ recommendations for the companies, are also formally presented by the student teams to the CEOs and their senior management teams.
This project has since grown in reach and popularity, and is set to continue in the years to come.


We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all faculty members for their contributions and guidance in supervising the FSP.
Department of Accounting
Department of Analytics & Operations
Department of Finance
Department of Management & Organisation
Department of Marketing
Department of Real Estate
Department of Strategy & Policy


For further enquiries about FSP, students looking for a team or supervisor, etc, please contact Mr Chew Jian Dee on

The Work Experience Milestone (WEM) is a graduating requirement under the new 2023/24 BBA curriculum. The objective is to equip students with workplace-ready skills prior to graduation.
The Work Experience Milestone involves completing:

  • two Career Starter Workshops (i.e. STR1000 and STR2000) AND,
  • one type of internship (credit bearing internship or non-credit bearing internship)

Students are expected to complete the Work Experience Milestone before they apply for graduation (AFG).

A) Career Compass Starter Workshops

The Career Compass Starter workshops are conducted by the BIZCareers office to help students prepare for their internships and careers.
Please refer here for more details.

B) Credit bearing Internship

Please refer to NUS BIZ Business Internship Courses website here, for more details.
Internships under the Work-Study Internship programme (i.e. BWS3XXX course codes) can be counted as a credit-bearing internship under WEM.
Credit-bearing internships under NUS Centre for future-ready Graduates (i.e. CFG2101 Vacation Internship programme) can be counted as a credit-bearing internship under WEM.

C) Non-credit bearing Internship

Approved internships on non-credit bearing basis (0-unit) can be counted under the WEM.
Please refer here for more details.

The objective of this milestone is to expose BIZ students to a foreign country to experience a different academic, work, social and/or cultural environment. GEM aligns with Singapore’s positioning as a global/regional business hub in which more future job roles will be regional or international in nature.
To complete the GEM, the student needs to complete a significant and approved overseas experience. The minimum will be a 5-day study trip with deliverables. The most common way to complete GEM will be through an overseas exchange stint (through the Student Exchange Programme) or an overseas summer/winter school. Other alternatives are overseas internship, overseas community project, overseas competition, etc. Financial assistance is available for financially-challenged students.
For more information on Exchange Programmes, please click here.

Course Registration Information

General Online Information

Advanced Placement Test

Advanced Placement Tests 2024
Admissions applicants who applied and accepted an admission offer to the NUS BBA Programme may be granted Advanced Placement Credits (APCs) for relevant courses, subject to their performance in placement tests set by the School.
Polytechnic diploma holders who have been granted 20 units of exemption from Unrestricted Elective Courses automatically could apply to be considered for course exemption for up to another 20 units from BBA Programme Requirements subject to their Advanced Placement Test results.
Only freshmen who apply and are shortlisted for the Advanced Placement Tests will be allowed to sit for the test. Interested applicants for the Advanced Placement Tests are encouraged to read the following links for more information about the Advanced Placement Tests conducted by NUS Business School. The application link will be made available during the application period.

Advanced Placement Course Outline

Course Code Course Title and Course Outline
MNO1706 Refer to the Course Outlines for their respective course outlines
*Do note that course outlines are subject to changes.

Course Registration:

Important Notes:

  1. NEW! Reference File for BBA/BAC Students on CourseReg Exercise AY2023/24 Sem 2 (Cohort 2022 & before)
  2. NEW! Reference File for BBA/BAC Students on CourseReg Exercise AY2023/24 Sem 2 (Cohort 2023)
  3. NEW! Reference File for RE Students on CourseReg Exercise AY2023/24 Sem 2 (Cohort 2022 & before)
  4. NEW! Reference File for RE Students on CourseReg Exercise AY2023/24 Sem 2 (Cohort 2023)
  5. For enquiries on course registration and allocation matters during CourseReg period only, please email
  6. Visit NUS S/U policy for more information on the matter.
  7. Visit General Education courses for more information on the matter.
  8. Students may read up to a max of 60 Units of level-1000 courses. Any level-1000 courses taken in excess of the 60 Units will not count towards the fulfilment of the degree requirements.
  9. Polytechnic students admitted from AY2015/16 onwards, are given 20 Units of exemption that count towards the Unrestricted Electives. These 20 Units do not count towards the limit of 60 level-1000 course Units. Refer to the Course Exemption for Polytechnic Students for more information.
  10. Visit the Frequently Asked Questions on CourseReg.
  11. Refer to NUSMods for the class schedule. Do note that NUSMods is only accessible on Chrome.

Other Course Registration Related Links

Information above is accurate as at 26 June 2023

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