Rapidly changing work environments and economy needs are pushing organisations to seek new competencies from fresh hires. There is now greater ambiguity in the economy and national boundaries, and a greater use of ICT, data analytics and other emerging technologies. A growing number will also veer from the traditional job market to launch start-ups or work as free-lancers.


NUS Business School recognises the need to empower our students to be A.G.I.L.E. for the V.U.C.A. – Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous – world. Globally recognised for excellence in education and research, NUS Business School houses the region’s pre-eminent undergraduate leadership and management talent development programme. Delivering the best of East and West in business education, our distinctiveness lies in our ability to integrate the breadth of Western knowledge with deep Asian insights.With the enhanced holistic programme, our students are groomed to possess multiple skill sets in several disciplines and the know-how to problem – solve new business challenges, producing quality results and thriving in the current demanding workforce.

Incoming freshman can expect to take a transformative journey through our curriculum, and be A.G.I.L.E. through an Academically rigorous and flexible curriculum, diversity of Global and experiential opportunities, Industry-relevant infrastructure, varied options for Leadership development and highly Entrepreneurial environment. Through the full NUS BBA experience, you will forge ahead with confidence and future-readiness, poised to thrive in an increasingly dynamic and volatile marketplace.