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History and Milestones

NUS Business School, one of the leading centres of business education in Asia-Pacific, has come a long way in a short time.

The area of business administration as a proper academic field was first taught at the then University of Singapore in 1961. Back then, Business Administration was just a subject in the Department of Economics. In 1965, the Department of Business Administration was set up to meet the growing needs of a formal business education in Singapore. The Department began with a full-time staff strength of four. It quickly grew in size and scope. In 1969, it was merged with the Department of Accountancy, and the School of Accountancy and Business Administration was formed. In 1980, another major reorganisation took place, when the University of Singapore and Nanyang University merged. With the merger of the two universities, the School became known as the Faculty of Accountancy and Business Administration.

The Faculty comprised the Department of Accountancy as well as the Department of Business Administration. In 1983, the Faculty was restructured again, and the School of Accountancy and the School of Management were formed. In 1987, the School of Accountancy was moved to the then Nanyang Technological Institute. The Faculty’s name was then shortened to become the Faculty of Business Administration. NUS Business School was established in 2002. The school now has 282 distinguished faculty members with a student population of 7,000, both undergraduates and post-graduates. Riding on its rich history and appeal to so many bright and talented students, NUS Business School is poised for a new take off.