23 December 2024
The National University of Singapore (NUS), including its Schools, has ceased co-operation with Beijing Zhongxin Enterprise Service Education Technology Co. Ltd (北京中新企服教育科技有限公司, “Beijing Zhongxin”) and Ms. Rain Wu Xiaoyu (武晓宇女士) on any programme after 13 September 2024 and has taken steps to terminate all dealings with Beijing Zhongxin and Ms. Rain Wu Xiaoyu.
Beijing Zhongxin, Ms. Rain Wu Xiaoyu, Jiayi Education Technology (Beijing) Co Ltd (Empowerment Institute) (加一教育科技(北京)有限公司), Time International Education Technology (Beijing) Co Ltd(时代慧智国际教育科技(北京)有限公司), Jiayi Digital Technology (Beijing) Co Ltd (加一数字科技(北京)有限公司)and/or any of their respective related entities, representatives, or agents (collectively referred to as the “Entities”), are not authorised in any capacity to represent, bind and/or act on behalf of NUS in relation to any marketing, recruitment or any activities including but not limited to collection of fees in relation to any programmes or activities of NUS.
Any unauthorised use of the NUS brand, logo and related materials for promotional purposes by the Entities is strictly prohibited. The publication or dissemination of any content or text that could potentially mislead the public or create any ambiguity in relation to NUS and its Schools is strictly prohibited.
Please get in touch with us at: nuscet@nus.edu.sg should you have any queries or have been approached by Beijing Zhongxin, Ms. Rain Wu Xiaoyu and/or any of their representatives or agents in relation to any programmes or activities of NUS.
任何未经授权使用新加坡国立大学品牌、标识及相关材料进行宣传的行为,均被严格禁止。严禁发布或传播任何相关新加坡国立大学及其学院的,可能误导公众或引发歧义的内容或文本。 如果北京中新、武晓宇女士或其代表或代理机构以新加坡国立大学任何课程项目以及相关活动的名义与您联系,请通过电邮与我们取得联络: nuscet@nus.edu.sg.