Sino-Singapore Innovation Programme (SSIP)

About SSIP

The NUS Business School seeks to provide youths with greater exposure to Asia, in particular China. With generous support from our visionary donor and alumni, Mr Ouyang Xiuzhang, we have established the Sino-Singapore Innovation Programme to prepare graduates with the skills needed to thrive in the changeable future of work.


Nurture talent who are industry-ready, China-ready, and future-ready.


  • Deepen understanding of China and its potential
  • Enhance competency in doing business with China
  • Establish strong academic and industry linkages between Singapore and China
  • Upskill current and next generation of talent with agile workplace capabilities
  • Strengthen Singapore-China network and relations


  • Student exchange
  • Internships
  • Consulting practicums
  • Competitions/Special Projects
  • Business networking
  • Cultural immersion
  • Research collaborations
  • Seminars, Masterclasses, Forums
  • Joint courses


  • Zhejiang University International Business School
  • Potential expansion to other China/Asian/ASEAN university partners in future

Questions? Want to learn more?

Philanthropic support is important to the success of the SSIP. We welcome all gifts and would be happy to hear your feedback to meet your giving interests. Please feel free to reach our Development team at or call +65 6516 8012 should you have any queries.