Invest in Research & Programmes

Distinguished Professorship

A distinguished professorship is awarded to either a tenured full professor at the School, or an external candidate for a tenured professorship, who has demonstrated excellence and international recognition in innovative research and superior performance in the field. They will help raise the standards of the School with respect to research, creative activity, teaching and service.

The endowment of a distinguished professorship is a significant commitment that demonstrates the vision and commitment of the donor. The minimum gift level to name a distinguished professorship is S$5,000,000.


Similar to the distinguished professorship, the income derived from an endowed professorship will be awarded to professors to pursue new lines of research and develop innovative teaching methods. They will also mentor junior faculty members and postdoctoral students; stimulate young minds and help to perpetuate our reputation for academic excellence. The minimum gift level to name a professorship is S$2,000,000.


An endowed fellowship at NUS Business School facilitates first-rate research and helps to promote the development of young outstanding academics. They conduct their work under guidance and supervision of senior faculty members. Through these mentorships, talented and committed young researchers are transformed into excellent scholars. The minimum gift level to name a fellowship is S$625,000.

Faculty Research Fund

The faculty research fund is awarded to faculty members to explore important fields of study; fund their frontier research and help them to attract additional funding from other sources. The minimum gift level to name a faculty research fund is S$150,000.