Our finanace students

The NUS Business School is the first CFA Programme Partner of the CFA Institute in Singapore. The CFA Institute is the global, non-profit membership organisation that awards the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. It sets the highest standards of ethics and professional excellence, designs the CFA curriculum and administers the CFA examinations.

CFA is the globally recognised gold standard for investment professionals and anyone working in the financial markets. It is widely considered as the investment profession’s most rigorous credential programme. In short, CFA is acknowledged as the benchmark for measuring competence and excellence in financial markets, and is increasingly a requirement in many firms’ recruitment.

Our finance students


The CFA Programme Partnership formalises the professionalism in the Finance Specialisation/Major of our BBA Programme. In February 2007, our BBA programme with Finance Specialisation became the first programme in Singapore to be admitted to the CFA Programme Partnership. This means that our BBA Finance Specialisation/Major has curriculum that embed at least 70 percent of the CFA Level I Candidate Body of Knowledge. We are also committed to cover the CFA Institute ethical and professional standards in our BBA programme.

The BBA Finance Specialisation/Major provides a coordinated and sequential approach to acquiring the knowledge, skills and ability which are being tested in the CFA examinations. It is therefore well-suited for students who plan to sit for the CFA examinations in earning the highly-valued CFA charter.

Benefits for BBA Finance Specialisation students:

  • Access to CFA Institute’s textbooks, journals, web-casts, and other educational resources
  • Access to professional development events and networking opportunities at CFA Singapore with investment professionals
  • Exposure to investment professionals in Singapore and around the globe
  • Opportunities to participate in research competition and research seminars
  • Recognition of relevance, rigour and reward for graduates.


Sponsored by CFA Singapore, the prize is awarded to the best undergraduate business student in the courses “Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management” who has also excelled in the overall performance of the programme. It was awarded in each regular semester with effect from 2007.

Our finance students


  • Total of nine student scholarships
  • Available for the June and December Level I examinations
  • Substantially reduced examination fee structure
    • Candidate pays only for cost curriculum plus any applicable taxes and import duties
    • Candidate responsible for paying the total registration and enrollment fee first
    • Scholarship disbursement is on reimbursement basis
  • Only BBA Finance Specialisation/Major students with good GPA may apply. They should have at least an A- in Investment Analysis module
  • Prequalified students are invited for an interview
  • Awards are made only if qualified candidates are found
  • Awarded candidates will participate in Candidate Pass Rate Analysis
  • Awarded candidates are expected to participate in CFA related events organised by NUS Business School

Disclaimer: NUS Business School only serves to identify and award deserving students for the CFA Awareness Scholarship under the University Affiliation Programme and is not involved with exam planning, coaching, nor any other matter pertaining to the CFA exam. Students are expected to schedule to sit for the exam independently and that includes making sure that the exam commitment does not clash with any NUS exam commitments.


LEE Hon Sing

Associate Professor

BIZ1 7-75
(65) 6516 5665