The objective of this module is to give participants a comprehensive introduction to key aspects of FinTech paradigm and practice. Starting from theory and concepts, students will be taught the ongoing developments in the field and how they can integrate paradigms into practice and how practice drives paradigms.

The module will integrate various categories of FinTech development areas into a core wealth and investment platform which will be used as a framework for project work. The varied nature of the project is designed to stimulate either the entrepreneurship spirit or the technological aspirations of the student.

The module is targeted at students looking to better understand the business (and societal) effects of technological change in the financial sector, and is particularly well suited for those students seeking to pursue and enhance their careers in the financial, banking and insurance sectors by enlarging their knowledge base and skill set.

This course will provide a strong conceptual foundation in corporate finance. Main topics include risk and return of individual securities and portfolios, cost of capital, capital budgeting, valuations of bonds, stocks and firms, efficient market hypothesis, behavioural finance, and FinTech. Finance theory will be used to solve practical problems faced by financial managers.

This module analyses the problems unique to family firms and discusses the solutions such as setting up good governance within the family and the firm to minimise such agency problems; structuring the ownership so as not to lose control while benefiting from external finance such as M&A, IPO, private equity funds; and succession planning.

This module explores the link between macroeconomics, financial markets and policy in Asia, from a structural as well as cyclical perspective. The course draws on and extends many analytical tools of macro and international finance.

This course covers major private equity investment types including venture capital, growth capital, and buyouts. The course format will include lectures, interactive discussions, case studies and hands-on simulation. Topics will cover the entire private equity investment cycle from fund raising, structuring to deal screening, valuation, investment negotiations to post-investment value add and exits. Cases highlighted are deliberately diverse; from technology to traditional and spans different geographies (US, UK, China, Korea, Singapore).