“Able to explore widely across disciplines”
Looking for a broad-based, multidisciplinary programme and the possibility of customising my path in the future, I chose to do the NUS Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with the USP. I have always been drawn to numbers and the crucial role they play in businesses, so I believe my double degree programme and finance specialisation will place me in a good position to head in that direction. NUS Business School gives students time and flexibility to pursue other interests, academic or otherwise. With the new curriculum structure – fewer core modules and more specialisation choices – students can either explore more widely across disciplines or go deeply into one. I’ve also taken French modules grade-free and modules from the School of Computing. The degree has helped me develop varied skills and taught me time management, showing that it’s possible to meet multiple study and project deadlines, be an active member of a sports co-curricular activity, and still find time for a life outside of academics.
Moh Su Jin
“High-quality, rigorous, affordable education”
I wanted a high-quality, rigorous education that was relatively affordable and taught by a reputable institution. Naturally, NUS beat all possible options hands down. I think NUS Business provided a holistic introductory freshman year where I could go through different modules to find out which areas of business really interested me before specialising in subsequent years. My love for finance grew tremendously when I read the module and learnt about the various industry roles. It is amazing to me how major world events collectively financial world. I later chose to read a minor in Economics to supplement my knowledge and understanding of finance and financial markets. I must say the introduction of the Business Economics specialisation is a Godsend for the NUS Business School students coming in from 2017 onwards. Now that it is delivered within the same faculty, students benefit more easily from the synergies between these two fields.
Jerome Lim Wei Yang

“Continuous support from seniors and alumni”
NUS Business School is not just renowned within Asia, but even on an international stage. With the quality of professors and students it attracts, not only are you able to learn from the best, but also work together alongside talented and amazing individuals who will support and yet, challenge you at the same time. This is probably why my journey in NUS has not only been brilliant, but also fulfilling. I’ve never imagined myself travelling around the world to represent the school in international case competitions, but this became the main highlight of my university life in NUS so far. My team managed to pass the 3 qualifying rounds into the finals and brought the championship back home after 5 years. This definitely would never have been possible without the continuous support from seniors and alumni who came back to school for our trainings and shared their guidance with us.
Sharyn C. Poerwanto
“Soft skills, confidence, and connections”
My time at NUS Business School was probably the most transformative period in my personal development. I first chose the programme mainly for its reputation, but soon found myself in an environment that continuously pushed me to grow, both academically and personally. The curriculum and the faculty provided me with a solid academic foundation I needed to start my career. At the same time, the interactions and experiences I got from the various class projects and discussions, the Field Service Project, and study abroad helped me build the right soft skills, confidence, and connections that are still relevant for me to this date.
Miranti Lestari