Free Trade is a Major Cause of Current Social Ills
In "Seminars and talks"

Format: A presidential-style debate, with short opening statements to be followed by Q&A (with rebuttal) from the floor, 1 hour approx.

Since World War Two, global trade has become more and more free, with services, capital and people crossing borders along with goods.

But with Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, the assumed benefits of international trade have come into question.

Supporters argue that in a situation where trade is fully free, everyone wins. Yet others see such trade creating winners and losers, fuelling inequality and a growing global divide.

Is the simmering China-US trade war intensifying the current global economic slowdown? Does international free trade affect taxation rates? And how is free trade changing political freedoms?

Join us on January 17 as two world-renowned experts debate the issues, answer your questions and challenge your thinking on this critical global issue.

Friday, 17 January 2020
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
NUS Business School
Mochtar Riady Building Atrium
15 Kent Ridge Drive
Singapore 119245 (Map)



Low Tuck Kwong Distinguished Professor, Department of Finance, NUS Business School

Arguing in Favour

Andrew K. ROSE
Andrew K. ROSE

Distinguished Professor and Dean, NUS Business School

Arguing Against

For General Enquiries:

LIM Pei Ling (Ms)
(65) 6516 3198 website