Student Experience

We heartily welcome students from partner universities to join us for a semester or two!

Being part of the National University of Singapore, our Business School has well-qualified academics and high-calibre students. Please visit this page to find out more about NUS Business School.

Application Details

If you are a prospective incoming exchange student to the NUS Business School, please refer to the application instructions. Upon receiving your details from your home university, we will reach out to you with more information on the Online Application.

Information on Courses

A typical course at NUS is with 4 units. A workload of 4 units would require 10 hours of work a week, including lectures, tutorials, laboratory sessions, assignments, and independent or group study.

For your semester at NUS, you must read minimum 12 units, and is allowed to read up to 20 units. You will be enrolled in 3 courses (12 units) during admission. You are to participate in Course Registration exercise at the start of the semester to secure your remaining remaining workload, and for course add/drop.

Please be flexible with your study plans as course allocation is not guaranteed. Successful enrolment in other faculties is dependent on the approval of each individual faculty. Please check with your home university to ensure courses taken at NUS could be recognised by your home university.

The 50-50 rule applies. Exchange students whose home faculty is the NUS Business School cannot read more than 50% of their courses outside their home faculty.

Courses for exchange students will be shared as part of the application instruction.

Information on NUS Business School

For more information, please refer to the fact sheet. In addition, please refer to the FAQs for prospective incoming students.

Useful Links

Contact Details

North & South Americas Asia & Oceania Europe Middle East
Mr Gerald Tan
Tel: +65 6516 1341
Ms Jessie Toh

Tel: +65 66516 6916

Mr Saul Sio
Tel: +65 6601 2422
Mr Hem Kumar

Tel: +65 6601 1411

Our Address

NUS Business School
Undergraduate Studies Office
BIZ2 Level 5
1 Business Link
Singapore 117592