AACSB International (AACSB)
The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business is a global membership network that connects educators, students, and businesses devoted to fostering engagement, accelerate innovation, and amplify impact in business education.

Association of Asia-Pacific Business School (AAPBS)
AAPBS seeks to provide leadership and representation to advance the quality of business and management education in the Asia-Pacific region. AAPBS and its members are striving to understand and develop a solid paradigm for an Asian management education model within a global context.

European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD)
EFMD is an international organisation dedicated in shaping a global approach to management education. It aims to provide a unique forum for information, research, networking, as well as debate on innovation and best practice.
It is recognised globally as an accreditation body for business schools, business school programmes, and corporate universities.

Executive MBA Council (EMBAC)
EMBAC is a professional association of business schools worldwide that advances the cause of EMBA Programmes. It serves as a facilitator of best practice sharing, knowledge dissemination, and fostering a community among high-quality programmes.

CEMS is a strategic global alliance of leading business schools, multinational companies and non-governmental organisations, dedicated to developing students with management and leadership competencies, emphasising on internationalism and responsible leadership through one of the world’s leading Master’s in International Management (MIM) programme.
NUS Business School is the only academic partner in Singapore.

Global Network for Advanced Management (GNAM)
GNAM is a rich network of leading international business schools dedicated to driving innovation and creating value by connecting leading global business schools, their resources, and their stakeholders.
NUS Business School is the only member school from Singapore.

Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC)
GMAC is a global, mission-driven association of leading graduate business schools. It owns and administers the Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) exam, which is the most widely used exam for graduate business school admissions, and more than 200,000 candidates take the GMAT exam every year.

Partnership in Management (PIM)
PIM is an international consortium of top business schools that promotes student exchange programmes.