Rational Sentiments and Financial Frictions
In "Seminars and talks"


Paymon Khorrami
Paymon Khorrami

Assistant Professor of Finance, Imperial College Business School

Wednesday, 9 March 2022
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Zoom Meeting


We discover sentiment-driven equilibria in popular models of imperfect risk sharing. In these equilibria, sentiment dynamics behave like uncertainty shocks, in the sense that self-fulfilled beliefs about volatility drive aggregate fluctuations. Because such fluctuations can be detached from the wealth distribution, rational sentiment helps resolve two puzzles that plague models emphasizing financial sector balance sheets: (i) financial crises emerge suddenly, featuring large volatility spikes and asset-price declines; (ii) asset-price booms, with below-average risk premia, predict busts and financial crises. Methodologically, our contribution is using stochastic stability theory to establish existence of sunspot equilibria.

For General Enquiries:

Ms Kristy Swee kristy@nus.edu.sg