GIF Sentiment and Stock Returns
In "Seminars and talks"


Teoh Siew Hong
Teoh Siew Hong

Lee and Seymour Graff Endowed Professor of Accounting, UCLA Anderson School of Management

Siew Hong Teoh is the Lee and Seymour Graff Endowed Professor of Accounting at UCLA Anderson School of Management.  She previously was a faculty member at the University of Michigan, Ohio State University and University of California, Irvine.

Some of Teoh’s research topics include earnings management, misvaluation and innovation, and limited attention in capital markets.  Her current research interest is on attention to visual information. She finds that visuals in firm earnings announcements increase investor attention to earnings news. In another study, she finds that analysts whose faces are perceived to look more trustworthy or dominant produce more accurate earnings forecasts and are more likely voted as All Star analysts.

She is currently studying investor sentiment using GIF images in social media postings about stocks. Teoh received the Moskowitz Prize from the Social Investment Forum for best paper on socially responsible investing, and is currently studying firm civic capital constructed from firm ESG scores and perceived board trustworthiness.

Friday, 20 January 2023
10:00 am - 11:30 am
NUS Business School
Mochtar Riady Building 6-1
15 Kent Ridge Drive
Singapore 119245 (Map)
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