NUS BIZAlum EMBA Networking: The Ride!
In "Alumni events"

The Ride!

Stephen Tan, UCLA-NUS EMBA 2016 will lead riders who enjoy the sport of cycling. Distance of >50km (estimated cycling time of 2 hours). The Ride! is at the heart to grow the love of cycling.

*Note: You will need to bring your own helmet and light (for safety).

This activity is part of an exciting line up of networking events, initiated and led by our alumni, for the Executive MBA community. For further enquiry, please contact us.

If you would like to initiate a networking space for your programme and take the lead, do send in your suggestions here.

Saturday, 27 February 2021
6:00 am - 10:00 am
Details will be provided after registration.

For General Enquiries: