Performance by candidates from NUS surpassed the national average pass rate, and the average pass rate for the local universities, for both the Professional Programme and the Foundation programme.

TABLE 1: Professional Programme Results – NUS vs Overall Performance

Modules Pass rate No of exam takers No passed Local Universities National Level
Business Value, Governance & Risk 100% 38 38 93% 89%
Taxation 87% 15 13 75% 70%
Integrative Business Solutions 85% 40 34 87% 84%
Financial Reporting 75% 12 9 66% 61%
Assurance 70% 47 33 71% 64%
Weighted Average 84% 80% 74%

TABLE 2: Foundation Programme Results – NUS vs Overall Performance

Modules Pass rate No of exam takers No passed Local Universities National Level
Accounting for Decision Making 100% 2 2 90% 65%
Assurance 100% 5 5 92% 72%
Financial Management 100% 1 1 50% 70%
Singapore Taxation 100% 2 2 60% 65%
Principles of Financial Reporting 75% 4 3 77% 79%
Advanced Financial Reporting 50% 2 1 75% 67%
Weighted Average 88% 81% 69%