Our Accounting Specialisation is supported by an Advisory Board comprising experienced accounting professionals and influential market practitioners. These individuals have agreed to help the committee oversee the Accounting Specialisation to ensure that the students in the programme will be trained appropriately and that the programme will achieve its proposed mission and vision.


Mr CHEUNG Pui Yuen
Partner, Reputation & Risk, Southeast Asia
Deloitte Singapore



Mr CHAN Hon Chew
Independent Director,
Far East Orchard Limited

Managing Director,
TPG Capital (S) Pte Ltd

Mr Richard KOH
Founder, Chief Executive Officer,
M-DAQ Global

Mr Marcus LAM
Executive Chairman,
PwC Singapore

Mr Lim Him Chuan

Singapore Country Head and Group Head of Strategy, Transformation, Analytics & Research,
DBS Bank

Mr Vincent LOY
Assistant Managing Director (Technology),
Monetary Authority of Singapore

Mr Gerard Toh
Partner, KPMG Singapore

Mr Wong Yew Chung
Partner, Assurance, Ernst & Young Singapore