Management & Organisation
Chan Ghee Koh, Leonard Lee, Carolyn Lo, Catherine Wong and Yap, Janson (2020), "“A Socio-Psychological
Perspective” in Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-COVID-19 World"
Yap, Janson (2020), "Average to Aces: Sharing Lives, Living Better Lives"
Cheah, Lai Yin Sarah (2020), "Strategic Foresight: Accelerating Technological Change", 1st, de Gruyter
Teo, Tripathi, Aw and Lim, Vivien (2021), "Faith or Blind Faith: Ethical Breakdown at City Harvest Church", SAGE Publications
Teo and Lim, Vivien (2020), "Uber(US) The Push for Autonomous Vehicles. Teaching Note.", Ivey Publishing
Teo and Lim, Vivien (2020), "Uber(US) The Push for Autonomous Vehicles. Case.", Ivey Publishing
Cheah, Lai Yin Sarah (2020), "billionBricks: Homes for the Homeless – Case/Teaching Note", IVEY Publishing