Social entrepreneurship presents an alternative approach to community development. It advocates the adoption of innovative solutions (often incorporating market mechanisms) to address social problems. This module discusses the concepts associated with social entrepreneurship, and examines the practices and challenges of social entrepreneurship in the Asian context. Topics to be covered include identification of social problems; marginalization and the poverty cycle; varied conceptualizations of social entrepreneurship and innovation; different types of social enterprises; sustainable social enterprises as an effective means of community development; developing a social enterprise business plan; establishing a social enterprise; scaling up a social enterprise; social impact measurement.

Entering the ever-changing global workplace is a life transition challenge for fresh graduates. Employers look for graduates who not only possess relevant technical skills, but also demonstrate competencies such as personal leadership, initiative, creativity and effective interpersonal communications – competencies to survive the transition from school to the disruptive global workplace. Employers believe fresh graduates with such competencies will be able to cope with their job demands and manage interpersonal challenges with co-workers, superiors and work in a positive manner. The module aims to do the following: 1) Provide an understanding of the role of talent management, performance management, succession planning and leadership development systems in organizations. 2) Identify high performance competencies in the disruptive global workplace. 3) Develop high performance and lifelong learning strategies to excel in the competitive global workplace.

This class emphasizes the cultivation of each student’s ability to evaluate business models and their appropriateness for development in a corporate setting. As an advanced course the content is designed to improve students analytical, creative and communication skills. In a competitive environment, entrepreneurship is an essential and indispensable element in the success of every business organisation – whether small or large, new or long-established. This course focuses on corporate entrepreneurship with a special emphasis on the role of venture capital and spin-offs. Although corporate entrepreneurship encompasses a wide range of organisational activities, this course focuses primarily on managerial efforts aimed at the identification, development and exploitation of technical and organisational innovations and on effective new venture management in the context of large corporations.


This class aims to generate interest and develop skills of participants to “consult” to management and assist clients to take important managerial decisions in organisations. The class is targeted at participants with preliminary knowledge (about Consulting) and strong aspirations to become consultants. The module covers a broad range of topics from “types of consulting” to “how consulting firms make money” and includes a workshop helping participants develop their skills to consult. Strong analytical and reasoning skills form the prerequisite for the course.


All of us have experienced change in our lives. Change is often regarded with mixed feelings of excitement, fear and uncertainty. As a business graduate there will be instances in which you will be a participant and observer in organisational change. At other times, you will have the opportunity and responsibility of managing planned changes in organisations. This course aims to prepare you for such opportunities. This course is organised around these major questions: Why is organisational change so difficult? How can I lead and manage change in organisations? What tools and processes can I use to manage change? When and how should these tools be used and what are the strengths and drawbacks of each? Why do some change efforts fail? Why do some others succeed?

This module aims to prepare students for the challenging task of training and developing effective employees to help organisations realise their missions and visions. Students will be given the role of an internal or external training consultant and tasked to conduct simulated consulting projects to put theories and concepts into action. Learning by doing will be the theme of this module. The course will uncover the practical value of T&D (training and development) methods and learning theories/concepts to promote continuous learning in organisations. Students are expected to be knowledgeable about the field of human resource development (HRD) and the systematic approach to employee T&D efforts by the end of the module.

This course aims to train students to effectively handle employee relations in Singapore. It will address various environmental and structural constraints managers face when dealing with employees in Singapore. It delves into such topics as the history, key institutions, and the tripartism philosophy adopted in Singapore, as well as several key legislations and their applications. Because of its strong orientation towards real-world practices, students will find this course useful when looking for employment or actually managing employees in the future. Students are expected to keep themselves updated with regard to the current trends in employee relations, as well as to demonstrate their ability to apply concepts and skills learned from the course.

Business is of the community and by the community. What effect can and should business have on the communities in which it operates? This module is designed around four inter-related themes/questions.

1. What is a business for?
We start by surveying the evolution of thinking about the relation between business and social conscience. We examine the assumptions that have underpinned different models of business.

2. What is a social conscience and why does it matter in business?
Our purpose will be to identify and improve our understanding of the elements of conscience, including ethics, responsibility and values. The social nature of business is also explored.

3. Having a conscience is not enough
We shall learn how to integrate social conscience into business systems, processes, functions and outcomes.

4. New forms of business
We trace the recently evolved forms of business in

Groups and Teams are one of the most important work format in our modern organization. This module objective is to focus on evidence-based management to try and understand what drives the behaviour of groups and their members. Our job is to try and understand when, if, and how phenomena change as we place people in situations where they need to rely on others to get the job done. The module will loosely follow Tuckman’s (1965) forming, storming, norming, and performing model of group development. However, much of our attention will be focused on the forming stage, as everything that follows depends on successfully building the team.

This module is designed as a structured independent study to sensitize students to the various organizational and managerial issues/challenges commonly found in the global business environment. How to be an effective manager in today’s globalized world? What do effective managers think, feel, and behave in the complex and dynamic business environment of the 21st Century? What are the major aspects of organizations and countries which effective managers should pay attention to in order to create and sustain an organization-environment fit for long-term organizational survival and prosperity around the world, given the constant internal and external changes? This module is designed to answer these interrelated questions methodically as well as to ask new, challenging questions, so as to help managers navigate the global landscape and thrive in environmental complexity and uncertainty

Independent Study Modules (ISMs) are for students with the requisite background to work closely with an instructor on a well-defined project in the respective specialization areas. Students will be exposed to individual-based research and report-writing while tackling a business issue under the guidance of the instructor.

The topic(s) addressed in this module will involve specialised issues that are worthy of more in-depth treatment than what is provided in the other modules. The specific topics may range from current theoretical debates to the strategies and tactics that are utilised by leading organisations to resolve practical problems. The primary mode of instruction will feature discussion of research articles, case studies and/or projects involving practical applications.

The topic(s) addressed in this module will involve specialised issues that are worthy of more in-depth treatment than what is provided in the other modules. The specific topics may range from current theoretical debates to the strategies and tactics that are utilised by leading organisations to resolve practical problems. The primary mode of instruction will feature discussion of research articles, case studies and/or projects involving practical applications.

This module examines deviant behaviours at the workplace, corporate misconduct and organizational ethics. Both the employee and organization will be the focus of our analysis. Topics examined include the role of personality and situation in explaining employee and organizational deviance, employee theft, deceit, lying and whistle-blowing among others.

This module aims to expose students to the emerging role China plays in the global political/ economic scene and the market opportunities China offers to business investors worldwide. Recent plans on China’s economic restructuring and regional integration to boost domestic consumption will be reviewed. The module also discusses critical challenges corporate leaders face in managing a China venture. These include business decisions on the modes of entry, choice of suppliers and venture partners; as well as management actions on product quality control, access to target market segments, creation of distribution network, containment of costs, talent acquisition and retention and the like.

Social entrepreneurship presents an alternative approach to community development. It advocates the adoption of innovative solutions (often incorporating market mechanisms) to address social problems. This module discusses the concepts associated with social entrepreneurship, and examines the practices and challenges of social entrepreneurship in the Asian context. Topics to be covered include identification of social problems; marginalization and the poverty cycle; varied conceptualizations of social entrepreneurship and innovation; different types of social enterprises; sustainable social enterprises as an effective means of community development; developing a social enterprise business plan; establishing a social enterprise; scaling up a social enterprise; social impact measurement.

This class aims to generate interest and develop skills of participants to “consult” to management and assist clients to take important managerial decisions in organisations. The class is targeted at participants with preliminary knowledge (about Consulting) and strong aspirations to become consultants. The module covers a broad range of topics from “types of consulting” to “how consulting firms make money” and includes a workshop helping participants develop their skills to consult. Strong analytical and reasoning skills form the prerequisite for the course.

This module gives an overview of the ways in which work demands and experiences influence employee behaviour and well-being, and also explores the mechanisms that organizations and employees can use to minimize the negative effects of work demands on well-being as well as maximize the positive effects of certain work experiences on well-being.

Globalization and changes in work patterns have created opportunities for people to work beyond borders as team members or leaders Facing with rising global challenges from people with different culture backgrounds, managers, leaders or people at work could opt to be who they are, expecting others to adapt to them, or they can proactively work to develop greater multicultural competencies and lead. Competent leaders view leading across borders as a development process, requiring intelligences and competences to succeed. This module focuses on these intelligences and competences by enhancing students’ knowledge and skills in the area.

The module is divided into three parts, starting with the understanding of new global realities and their impact on business, management and people. The module continues with the examination of roles and competencies necessary to lead across borders, for example, communicating across cultures, motivating and inspiring people across cultures, building teams and trust, etc. Finally, the discussion on global management challenges aims to encourage students to critically think about what lies ahead when leading across borders. This will prepare students well to lead more successfully across borders.

In this module, students examine how management principles and concepts can be applied to address social problems. In particular, students experientially learn how management principles and concepts can be utilized to generate innovative ideas that offer solutions to social problems. The module also helps students appreciate the importance of effectively implementing and managing these solutions for maximum social outcomes and impact. Key topics covered include social issues and challenges in Singapore, the social sector in Singapore, identification and scoping of social problems, ideation of solutions to social problems, and implementation, management and impact measurement of solutions.

Advanced Independent Study Modules (ISMs) are for senior students who are in the BBA and BBA (Acc) honours programs with the requisite background to work closely with an instructor on a well-defined project in the respective specialization areas. (The modules may also be made available to students who are eligible for admission into the honours programs but choose to pursue the non-honours course of study.) Students will hone their research and report-writing skills while tackling a business issue under the guidance of the instructor.

Current issues and/or essential topic areas within the field of management and organisation that merit extensive literature reviews and scholarly discussion will be studied under this heading. Students enrolled in these seminars are required to make presentations on topics that are of interest to them and relevant to the module. Lecturers will act as facilitators, evaluators and resource persons. Assessments will be based on a major project or term paper, in addition to more traditional indicators of performance. Examples of seminars in the Management and Organisation concentration are International and Comparative Industrial Relations; Leadership in Organisation; Comparative and Cross-National Study of Organisations and Power and Politics in Organisations.

This module will involve studying the range of attitudes that individuals have toward their jobs and organization including job satisfaction, engagement, commitment, and other related topics. It will be an advanced module in that reading the scientific evidence will be part of the requirements.

Compensation and appraisal systems are key contributors to organisational effectiveness. This course addresses how organisations use compensation and performance management practices to drive strategic business success. This course will cover a mix of theoretical concepts and organisational practices useful in developing and maintaining a motivated, committed and competent workforce. In this course students will learn how organisational systems operate to attract, retain and motivate a competent workforce. Further students will gain an understanding of how to assess reward and appraisal systems in terms of the criteria of equity and cost effectiveness and how to assess and diagnose compensation management issues and problems and develop appropriate solutions.

This module will involve studying the range of attitudes that individuals have toward their jobs and organization including job satisfaction, engagement, commitment, and other related topics. It will be an advanced module in that reading the scientific evidence will be part of the requirements.

Entering the ever-changing global workplace is a life transition challenge for fresh graduates. Employers look for graduates who not only possess relevant technical skills, but also demonstrate competencies such as personal leadership, initiative, creativity and effective interpersonal communications – competencies to survive the transition from school to the disruptive global workplace. Employers believe fresh graduates with such competencies will be able to cope with their job demands and manage interpersonal challenges with co-workers, superiors and work in a positive manner. The module aims to do the following:

  1. Provide an understanding of the role of talent management, performance management, succession planning and leadership development systems in organizations.
  2. Identify high performance competencies in the disruptive global workplace.
  3. Develop high performance and lifelong learning strategies to excel in the competitive global workplace.

This class emphasizes the cultivation of each student’s ability to evaluate business models and their appropriateness for development in a corporate setting. As an advanced course the content is designed to improve students analytical, creative and communication skills. In a competitive environment, entrepreneurship is an essential and indispensable element in the success of every business organisation – whether small or large, new or long-established. This course focuses on corporate entrepreneurship with a special emphasis on the role of venture capital and spin-offs. Although corporate entrepreneurship encompasses a wide range of organisational activities, this course focuses primarily on managerial efforts aimed at the identification, development and exploitation of technical and organisational innovations and on effective new venture management in the context of large corporations.