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BIZCareers is the dedicated careers centre for NUS Business School.

For students

For you, the student – the journey is as important as the destination

Your career-readiness or development journey begins the day you enrol at NUS Business School, and BIZCareers is determined to walk with you on your career journey.

We offer a full range of resources to build your career and personal skills through coaching and skills workshops.

We also facilitate your industry outreach and professional network creation through various corporate engagement events.


For you, the employer – your success is just as important to us

BIZCareers is always ready to embark on a journey with you to find that perfect candidate fit.

It is our delight to partner you to build a sustainable and strong talent pipeline for your organization.

We work closely with you to curate engagement activities based on your recruitment strategies and timelines.

Career Coaching
BIZCareers is dedicated to guide students in exploring their career interests through personalised career coaching and industry-specific consultations. Our Career Advisors will partner students in their career planning journey as they work toward their career aspirations.
Skills Workshops
To help students kick-start their career-readiness and planning in a highly competitive recruitment environment, BIZCareers is committed to curate a range of online and in-person workshops all year round during their entire candidature at NUS Business School.
Engagement Events
BIZCareers taps on the university’s strong alumni and highly connected industry networks to organize regular recruitment events, company talks and visits, as well as networking events to connect students with employers.
Industry Relations
Our highly experienced and versatile team partners extensively with employers to bring on board exciting career opportunities, inspiring experiences, and valuable industry insights for students to progress ahead in their preferred career path.