Do Small Audit Firms Strategically Respond to PCAOB Reports?
In "Seminars and talks"


Miguel Minutti-Meza
Miguel Minutti-Meza

Accounting Department Chair and Professor, University of Miami Herbert Business School

Miguel Minutti-Meza is a professor of accounting at Miami Herbert Business School. He has been at the University of Miami since 2011. He was a senior economic research fellow at the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), a nonprofit corporation established by Congress in 2002 as part of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, during 2019-2020.

Minutti-Meza’s research interests are in capital markets, particularly in auditing, financial reporting, and methodology issues. He is working on various projects related to the expanded auditor report, auditors’ use of experts in complex areas, machine learning, international auditing issues, and other topics. He is editor of the Review of Accounting Studies, associate editor of the Journal of Accounting Research, and a member of the editorial boards of Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, and the Journal of Financial Reporting. He has published articles in these and other journals. In 2020 and 2023, he received the Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association’s “Notable Contribution to the Auditing Literature Award.”

He received his Ph.D. in accounting in 2011, and a Master of Management and Professional Accounting in 2005 from the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. Previously, he received his B.A. in accounting and finance from ITESM in Mexico.

Monday, 4 November 2024
10:30 am - 12:00 pm

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