Lunchtime Yoga
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When & Where


Tuesday, April 30, 2024
12:15 pm to 1:00 pm



NUS Business School
Mochtar Riady Building
15 Kent Ridge Drive
Singapore 119245 (Map)


Lunch time yoga is back! Don’t forget to bring your own mat, sportswear and water bottle for the session.

*You acknowledge and agree that it is entirely your own choice whether or not to perform the Exercises under the instruction of yoga enthusiast and undertake to listen to and follow the instructions of yoga enthusiast attentively before, during and after any exercises during our yoga session at all times. You must never attempt any Exercises beyond the degree of exertion and difficulty which you are able to manage comfortably without incurring risk of injury. You will take full responsibility for your own health and well-being while attending our yoga session.



Natalie Ang , Biz Social Committee | | Tel:



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