X-Sender: arose@haas.berkeley.edu X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.1 Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 08:49:31 -0800 To: tenreyro@fas.harvard.edu From: Andrew Rose <arose@haas.berkeley.edu> Subject: More on Missing Currency Union Observations Cc: arose@haas.berkeley.edu I’ve now checked a little further into the issue of missing data (I’ll post my data set on the web within the hour). The IMF’s Direction of Trade seems like it may have fewer missing observations than the WTDB. In my (DoT) data set, I have observations for 18 of the 20 years for bilateral trade between CAR and Chad (you assert that the WTDB only has 9), and for 17 of the 20 for trade between CAR and Cote d’Ivoire (you only have 12). I list the observations in my program pst2 (which I both attach and append at the bottom of this message). Now I don’t have the most up to date version of the WTDB CDs. I have the 1997 ones distributed to NBER members which only go to 1992. For that, there are observations for only 4 years between CAR (country code 141400) and Chad (141480), and 8 years between CAR and Cote d’Ivoire (163840). The years also line up closely (though not exactly) with the ones you mention in your paper on p 14. The following are extracts from the file WT_BILAT.ASC: 141400 141480 177 78 141400 141480 226 79 141400 141480 253 80 141400 141480 1669 89 141480 141400 1635 78 141480 141400 563 79 141480 141400 485 80 141480 141400 90 89 141400 163840 715 78 141400 163840 1504 79 141400 163840 523 80 141400 163840 687 81 141400 163840 379 82 141400 163840 385 83 141400 163840 473 85 141400 163840 996 89 163840 141400 85 78 163840 141400 271 79 163840 141400 959 80 163840 141400 275 81 163840 141400 307 82 163840 141400 136 83 163840 141400 16 85 So it seems like the WTDB simply has fewer observations that the DoT data set. Using either data sampled every 5 years, or temporally averaged data, the DoT gives no indication that missing observations are the source of any bias for the effect of CU on trade. What do you think? Over to you — ——————————————————————————- log: C:\res\cuts\progs\pst2.log log type: text opened on: 28 Jan 2002, 08:26:05 . * . * This STATA program tabulates data for the CFA countries that . * Tenreyro lists on her page 14. . * . set more 1 . set mem 100m (102400k) . * . * Read in the data set . * . use \res\cuts\data\data7ast . * . * List the data. CAR is 626; Chad is 628 and Cote d’ivoire is 662. . * . * CAR and Chad post ’77 . * . list trade year if cty1==626&cty2==628&year>1977 trade year 13135.78 1978 5194.03 1979 4709.69 1980 15586.78 1981 15437.03 1982 0 1983 0 1984 1260.603 1985 1327.313 1986 1536.399 1987 1845.313 1988 1936.965 1989 2112.938 1990 2549.745 1991 2861.125 1992 2040.026 1993 4803.166 1994 6077.008 1995 6947.66 1996 7467.592 1997 . * . * CAR and Cote d’Ivoire post ’77 . * . list trade year if cty1==626&cty2==662&year>1977 trade year 4536.978 1978 10388.06 1979 7823.185 1980 5707.478 1981 3040.401 1982 2811.715 1983 0 1984 4135.688 1985 16186.92 1986 0 1987 0 1988 3899.983 1989 2558.077 1990 1420.624 1991 27314.09 1992 21383.65 1993 29571.58 1994 51312.94 1995 128071.6 1996 137655.7 1997 . * . * Clean up and close down . * . drop _all . set more 0 . set mem 1m (1024k) . log close log: C:\res\cuts\progs\pst2.log log type: text closed on: 28 Jan 2002, 08:27:51 ——————————————————————————- ******** Andrew K. Rose, Rocca Professor Tel: (510) 642-6609 Haas School of Business Fax: (510) 642-4700 University of California E-mail: arose@haas.berkeley.edu Berkeley, CA 94720-1900 URL: http://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/arose