Tri-University Conference 2024
When & Where |
Saturday, April 20, 2024
9:00 am to 5:30 pm
NUS Business School
Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library 03-01 1 Hon Sui Sen Drive
Singapore 117588 (Map)
9:00am - 9:30am
Registration/coffee and tea
9:30am - 9:40am
Welcome Remarks
Bin Ke
Provost’s Chair Professor of Accounting
National University of Singapore
9:40am - 10:30am
Local Thinking Bias
Wei Ting Loh
Singapore Management University
About the speaker: Wei Ting LOH obtained her PhD from the University of Washington in 2022. Prior to her doctoral studies, she worked in the investment banking industry where she was involved in the valuation of financial products and in Private Wealth Management. Her research interests involve information intermediaries, earnings quality, and the effect of manager characteristics on firms’ corporate policies. Her research has been published in the Review of Accounting Studies and has been featured in media outlets such as Seattle’s Morning News. She has taught accounting courses at both Singapore Management University and the University of Washington.
10:30am - 10:40am
10:40am - 11:30am
It Takes Two to Tango: Client Cooperation with Auditor Requests and Audit Quality
Christian Peters
Nanyang Technological University
About the speaker: Christian PETERS is Assistant Professor in Accounting at the Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He received his BSc (Honors, IBA), MSc (Accountancy), MPhil (Business), and PhD (Accounting) from Tilburg University in The Netherlands. His research interests focus on the judgment and decision making of auditing professionals, where he focuses on how operational and contextual features of the auditing environment affect auditors’ judgment performance. As a secondary research interest, Christian is interested in the disclosures on and consequences of corporate tax avoidance. His research has been covered by various news outlets, including The Financial Times.
11:30am - 1:00pm
1:00pm - 1:50pm
Financial and Informational Integration through Oracle Networks
Daniel Rabetti
National University of Singapore
About the speaker: Daniel Rabetti is a financial economist from Sao Paulo, Brazil, with a Ph.D. in business from Tel Aviv University. He joined the NUS Business School in 2023 as the S. Dhanabalan Chair in Quantitative Studies and as an Assistant Professor in Accounting and Finance. His research lies at the intersection of financial economics, innovation, and intermediation. His scholarly contributions have been presented at several conferences worldwide, covered by popular financial media outlets like Bloomberg, Washington Post, and Financial Times, and published in leading journals, including Management Science, Journal of Accounting Research, and Journal of Accounting & Economics. Before joining NUS Business School, Daniel visited the Finance group at Cornell University through the Fintech Initiative and DEFT Labs. Daniel also advises fintech ventures in the blockchain space.
1:50pm - 2:00pm
2:00pm - 2:50pm
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee: International Evidence
Yuxia (Sarine) Zou
Nanyang Technological University
About the speaker: Yuxia ZOU is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. She holds a Ph.D. in Accounting and an M.Phil. in Finance from Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS), University of Cambridge, where she was a Research Associate at Cambridge Endowment for Research in Finance (CERF) and a Benavitch Scholar at St Catharine’s College. Her research interests are in the intersection of financial and managerial accounting, with a focus on sustainability issues. Her research aims to provide quantitative empirical evidence on how accounting systems, including internal management, external disclosure and information assurance, help develop a sustainable capital market.
2:50pm - 3:20pm
Tea break
3:20pm - 4:10pm
Does Generative AI Facilitate Investor Trading? Evidence from ChatGPT Outages
Pengkai Lin
Singapore Management University
About the speaker: Pengkai Lin joined Singapore Management University in 2021. He obtained his PhD degree from Tulane University and his bachelor’s degree from Xiamen University. Pengkai’s research interests include financial disclosures, the relation between accounting information and asset prices, and auditing. He has published in Management Science. His teaching interests include accounting analytics, financial accounting, and financial statement analysis.
4:10pm - 4:20pm
4:20pm - 5:10pm
Signaling through Travel: Public Disclosure of Site Visits and Female Analysts
Mengqiao Du
National University of Singapore
About the speaker: Mengqiao DU joins National University of Singapore as an Assistant Professor. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Mannheim in Germany and visited the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Miami during her Ph.D. study. Her research focuses on capital markets, financial analysts, and labor markets (especially gender-related topics). The primary focus of her research is to identify and quantify the effect of psychological and social factors on financial market participants.
Dinner at the Scholar